Declaring a Major

*Please review our Degree Requirements web page in full detail prior to preparing your major declaration materials.*

  1. Students must fill out either a BA or a BS planning sheet.
  2. Email the completed plan to an undergraduate program coordinator for review.

Students may schedule an appointment with a program coordinator to discuss their plan but not required. When completing your plan, consider the following:

  • What advanced courses do you want to take to complete your degree?
  • Have you completed your primary writing class? Students in the Hajim School must have completed this prior to declaring, with a grade of C or better.
  • How will you complete your two upper level writing courses?
  • What clusters will you complete?

Declaring a BA in Computer Science

Students wishing to declare a BA in computer science should have completed the following courses with a GPA no lower than a 2.0:

  • CSC 171: Introduction to Computer Science
  • CSC 172: Data Structures and Algorithms
  • MATH 150: Discrete Mathematics

Students will then need to fill out a BA Planning Sheet  and email the completed form to their CS program coordinator. 

Declaring a BS in Computer Science

Students wishing to declare a BS in computer science should have completed the following courses with a GPA no lower than a 2.0:

  • CSC 171: Introduction to Computer Science
  • CSC 172: Data Structures and Algorithms
  • MATH 150: Discrete Mathematics
  • MATH 161-162 or MATH 141-143 or MATH 171-172

Students will then need to fill out a BS Planning Sheet and email the completed form to their CS program coordinator to officially declare the major. 

2025 January 16