Graduate Courses

Currently offered courses:
Fall >
Spring >
Summer >
Check the course schedules/descriptions available via the Registrar's Office for the official schedules for the widest range of terms for which such information is available.
Recently offered courses by area:
AI CoursesCSC 435 Optimization for Machine Learning |
CSC 440 Data Mining |
CSC 442 Artificial Intelligence |
CSC 444 Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence |
CSC 445 Deep Learning |
CSC 446 Machine Learning |
CSC 447 Natural Language Processing |
CSC 448 Statistical Speech and Language Processing |
CSC 449 Computer Vision |
CSC 466 Frontiers in Deep Learning |
CSC 477 End-To-End Deep Learning |
CSC 484 Advanced Algorithms |
CSC 495 Independent Research |
CSC 511 Large Language Models |
CSC 571 Topics in Systems: Machine Learning Systems |
CSC 577 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision |
HCI CoursesCSC 412 Human Computer Interaction |
CSC 413 Intro to AVR |
CSC 414 Selected Topics in Augmented and Virtual Reality |
CSC 416 AR/VR Interaction Design |
CSC 459 Computer Imaging & Graphics |
CSC 460 Technology & Climate Change |
CSC 462 Computational Introduction to Statistics |
CSC 465 Intermediate Statistical Methods |
CSC 495 Independent Research |
CSC 513 Practicum in Augmented and Virtual Reality |
Systems CoursesCSC 404 Multiprocessor Architecture |
CSC 451 Advanced Computer Architecture |
CSC 452 Computer Organization |
CSC 453 Collaborative Programming and Software Design |
CSC 454 Programming Language Design & Implementation |
CSC 455 Software Analysis and Improvement |
CSC 456 Operating Systems |
CSC 457 Computer Networks |
CSC 458 Parallel and Distributed Systems |
CSC 461 Database Systems |
CSC 463 Data Management Systems |
CSC 464 Computer Audition |
CSC 467 Advanced GPU Programming and Cloud Computing |
CSC 474 Quantum Information Processing |
CSC 478 Computer Security Foundations |
CSC 495 Independent Research |
CSC 572 Mobile Vision Computing |
CSC 573 Advanced Memory Systems |
CSC 576 Advanced Topics in Data Management |
CSC 579 Machine-Checked Proofs using Coq |
Theory CoursesCSC 462 Computational Introduction to Statistics |
CSC 479 Computational Geometry |
CSC 480 Computer Models and Limitations |
CSC 481 Introduction to Cryptography |
CSC 482 Design&Analysis Efficient Algorithms |
CSC 483 Topics in Cryptography |
CSC 484 Advanced Algorithms |
CSC 485 Algorithms and Elections |
CSC 486 Computational Complexity |
CSC 487 Algorithms and Elections |
CSC 488 Analytic Methods in Computer Science |
CSC 489 Algorithmic Game Theory |
CSC 495 Independent Research |