Computer Systems Research

Computer systems research at URCS spans a range of topics, including program analysis and compiler technology; parallel, distributed, and mobile computing; cluster-based server technology; low-power hardware and software; processor and memory architecture; concurrency and synchronization; programming environments; and programming language design.

John Criswell

Criswell, John

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3405 Wegmans Hall
(585) 275-1118
Web Address

Interests: Computer Security; Automatic compiler transformations; Secure Virtual Architecture

Chen Ding

Ding, Chen

Professor of Computer Science

Chair, Department of Computer Science

Office Location
3407 Wegmans Hall
(585) 275-1373
Web Address

Interests: Locality theory and optimization; Compilers and run-time systems to improve locality and parallelism; Memory management; Parallel programming; High-performance computing

Sandhya Dwarkadas

Dwarkadas, Sandhya

Visiting Research Professor of Computer Science

Web Address

Interests: Parallel and distributed computing; Computer architecture and networks; Interaction and interface between the compiler, runtime system, and underlying architecture; Software distributed shared memory; Integrated compiler and runtime support for parallelism; Simulation methodology; Uniprocessor and multiprocessor architectures; Parallel applications development; Performance evaluation

Tony Geng

Geng, Tong (Tony)

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Office Location
723 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-1735
Web Address

Interests: Computer architecture; Graph learning; Machine learning; Accelerators for AI; High-performance computing

Yanan Guo

Guo, Yanan

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3403 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Microarchitectural side channels; Software security; Machine learning security; GPU systems and architectures; Memory systems

Wendi Heinzelman

Heinzelman, Wendi


Dean, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Office Location
309 Lattimore Hall
(585) 273-3958
Web Address

Interests: Wireless sensor networks; Mobile ad hoc networks; Multimedia communication; Heterogeneous networking; Cloud computing

Michael Huang

Huang, Michael


Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Computer Science

Office Location
414 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-2111
Web Address

Interests: High-performance and energy-efficient computer microarchitecture; non-von Neumann computing; Ising machines

Sreepathi Pai

Pai, Sreepathi

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3409 Wegmans Hall
(585) 276-2391
Web Address

Interests: Compilers; Heterogeneous Architectures; GPU algorithms; Performance Modeling

Michael L. Scott

Scott, Michael L.

Arthur Gould Yates Professor of Engineering

Professor of Computer Science

Former Chair, Department of Computer Science

Office Location
3401 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Systems software for parallel and distributed computing; Programming languages; Operating systems; Synchronization; Transactional memory; Persistent memory

Yuhao Zhu

Zhu, Yuhao

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3501 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Augmented/Virtual Reality; Human Perception and Cognition; Computational Photography/Imaging; Computational Heritage/Humanities; Computer architecture