Aaron White

Aaron White

Associate Professor of Linguistics

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Director of FACTS.lab

PhD, University of Maryland

Office Location
511A Lattimore Hall
Web Address


Prof. Aaron White joined the Department of Linguistics in July 2017. He graduated with his PhD in Linguistics from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2015.  His dissertation, Information and Incrementality in Syntactic Bootstrapping, was advised by Valentine Hacquard and Jeffrey Lidz. Prior to coming to Rochester, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University’s Science of Learning Institute with affiliations in the Department of Cognitive Science and the Center for Language and Speech Processing. While at Hopkins, he worked on the JHU Decompositional Semantics Initiative (Decomp), led by Ben Van Durme and Kyle Rawlins, and he led the MegaAttitude Project with Kyle Rawlins.

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Computational Linguistics
  • Natural Language Semantics