Jeffrey Bigham

Jeffrey Bigham

Adjunct Professor

PhD, University of Washington, 2009

Office Location
720 Computer Sciences Building
(585) 275-5671
Web Address


Jeffrey P. Bigham is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester where he heads the ROC HCI Group.

Jeffrey received his BSE degree in computer science from Princeton University in 2003. Starting in fall 2003, he attended the University of Washington, where he worked with Richard E. Ladner. For his work on affordable and available access technology, Jeffrey has won the Microsoft Imagine Cup Accessible Technology Award, the W4A Accessibility Challenge Delegate's Award, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Award for Technology Collaboration, the NCTI Technology in the Works Award, the University of Washington College of Engineering Student Innovator Award for Research, the MIT Technology Review Top 35 Innovators Under 35 Award, and the UIST 2010 Best Paper Award. He received his MSc degree in 2005 and his PhD in 2009, both in computer science and engineering from the University of Washington.

Course Listing

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Access Technology
  • Human Computation
  • Social Media
  • Intelligent User Interfaces
  • Web Accessibility