Maged Michael (Ph.D '97) receives Prestigious PLDI Award
At PLDI '14 (Programming Language Design and Implementation) held in Edinburgh, Scotland in June, Maged Michael received the "Most Influential Paper Award" for his work from 2004 at IBM TJ Watson Research Center. The paper, entitled "Scalable Lock-Free Dynamic Memory Allocation" received this citation from PLDI: "Maged Michael's PLDI '04 paper is considered a landmark in memory allocation for multithreaded programs, presenting the first completely lock-free general-purpose user-space allocator. It provides good performance with respect to scalability, speed and space efficiency, while at the same time only relying on common hardware and OS support. The work is highly regarded and frequently referenced, and is also the basis of multiple memory allocator implementations, both in IBM products and in follow-on research."
Michael Scott, who supervised Maged's PhD while at Rochester, had the pleasure of being in Edinburgh to watch him receive the award.