
Benjamin Valpey wins 3rd place at Supercomputing '23 ACM

December 8, 2023

Benjamin Valpey near river

PhD student Benjamin Valpey won the 3rd place in the ACM Student Research Competition held at Supercomputing '23 in the graduate student category. He presented his work formalizing the behavior of  GPU tensor cores and studying their effects on numerical algorithms. Tensor cores underlie high-performance computations used in AI algorithms and their behavior is not standardized which makes it challenging to use them in scientific computing. By producing a formal specification, Benjie's work describes their behavior in the most rigorous way possible and demonstrates its utility by  automatically examining a high-performance computing numerical algorithm for accuracy. Benjie's work was part of larger collaboration with Prof. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan and PhD student Xinyi Li at the University of Utah, and his advisor Sreepathi Pai.