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ExploreCSR grant to improve representation and diversity

November 16, 2020

ExploreCSR grant to improve representation and diversity

Hoque and Bai have received an exploreCSR grant to establish “Inclusive Computing Program” to engage UR undergraduate students from underrepresented groups with diverse computing research, career pathways, and practical skill development.

The ROC HCI Lab is launching “Inclusive Computing Program” – a new research-focused workshop and mentorship program sponsored by the Google exploreCSR program. The program aims to engage UR undergraduate students from underrepresented groups with diverse computing research, career pathways, and practical skill development.

Objectives: To promote diverse participation, a sense of belonging, and competence in computing from underrepresented communities, especially female, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and first-generation college students, as well as students with accessibility needs.

In particular, we plan to achieve the following objectives:

(1) Engage a diverse body of undergraduate students in computing research, with a special focus on female and underrepresented minority (URM) groups at the University of Rochester.

(2) Increase competence in interdisciplinary research, computing development, and collaborative skills to solve real-world problems.

(3) Promote individual interests and confidence in pursuing graduate study.

(4) Promote a sense of belonging in computing.

Interested? Apply here.