History, Accomplishments, Accolades

Faculty Awards and Leadership

Group photo of faculty.
2019 Faculty Retreat. Front row: Ehsan Hoque, Chenliang Xu, John Criswell. Second row: Randal Nelson, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Jiebo Liu, Adam Purtee, Muthu Venkitasubramaniam. Third row: Mujdat Cetin, Gonzalo Mateos, George Ferguson, Eustrat Zhupa, Fatemeh Nargesian, Sreepathi Pai. Fourth row: Tom Howard, Len Schubert, Daniel Stefankovic, Ted Pawlicki, Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Daniel Gildea. Fifth row, Yuhao Zhu, Robbie Jacobs, Michael Scott. Not pictured: James Allen, Zhen Bai, Chen Ding, Henry Kautz.

The faculty of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester have been leaders in their fields and well recognized by their peers for their accomplishments for many years. Below are more recent leadership positions and awards. For complete information on specific individuals, visit our faculty directory.

Editorships and Program Chairs since 2010

  • ACM Multimedia Conference: Jiebo Luo (program co-chair 2010, general co-chair 2018)
  • ACM Transactions on Computational Logic: Len Schubert (editorial board, 2007–)
  • ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology: Jiebo Luo (editorial board)
  • AI Magazine: Henry Kautz (editorial board)
  • Frontiers of Computer Science: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (editorial board)
  • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS): Sandhya Dwarkadas (program chair 2015); Michael Scott (program chair 2012)
  • CACM Research Highlights: Engin Ipek (editorial board 2010-2016)
  • Computational Complexity: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (editorial board)
  • CRA-W Newsletter: Sandhya Dwarkadas (co-editor)
  • Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (advisory board and editorial board)
  • IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Jiebo Luo (program co-chair 2012)
  • IEEE Micro: Sandhya Dwarkadas (editorial board 2010-2016)
  • IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA): M. Ehsan Hoque (program chair 2017)
  • IEEE Transactions on Big Data: Jiebo Luo (editorial board)
  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia: Jiebo Luo (editor-in-chief, 2020-2012)
  • Information and Computation: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (editorial board)
  • International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Jiebo Luo (program co-chair 2012)
  • Journal of Computer and System Sciences: Joel Seiferas (editorial board)
  • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing: Sandhya Dwarkadas (associate editor 2011-2015)
  • Journal of the Franklin Institute: Wendi Heinzelman (associate editor, 2004–)
  • Journal of Multimedia: Jiebo Luo (editor-in-chief)
  • Journal of Universal Computer Science: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (editorial board)
  • Maurice Wilkes Award (ACM SIGARCH): Sandhya Dwarkadas (committee chair 2018)
  • MICRO Top Picks: Sandhya Dwarkadas (guest editor 2019)
  • Mobile Computing and Communications Review: Wendi Heinzelman (area editor, 2005–)
  • SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics: Daniel Stefankovic (editorial board)
  • SIGACT News: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (complexity theory column editor)
  • Springer Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (Advisory Board, 2012-)
  • Springer Texts in Theoretical Computer Science: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (Advisory Board, 2012-)


Group photo at the 2019 ACM awards.
Rochester rocks at the Association for Computing Machinery 2019 Awards Banquet. Left to right: Alex Kautz CSC ’20, Jiebo Luo (ACM Fellow), Henry Kautz (accepting 2018 ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award), Wendi Heinzelman and Sandhya Dwarkadas (both ACM Fellows).
  • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Fellows: Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael Scott, Jiebo Luo
  • ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Fellows: Henry Kautz, Michael Scott, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Jiebo Luo, Wendi Heinzelman
  • AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Fellow: Henry Kautz
  • AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) Fellows: James Allen (founding fellow), Henry Kautz, Len Schubert, Jiebo Luo
  • IAPR (International Association for Pattern Recognition) Fellow: Jiebo Luo
  • SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics) Fellow: Jiebo Luo


  • AAAI Classic Paper Award: Henry Kautz
  • ACM-AAAI 2018 Allen Newell Award: Henry Kautz
  • ACM SIGACT/SIGOPS Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing: Michael Scott (2006)
  • IEEE/Amazon/DARPA GraphChallenge @IEEE HPEC: Chad Voegele, Yi-Shan Lu, Sreepathi Pai, Keshav Pingali (Champion 2017)
  • Department of Energy Early Career Principal Investigator: Chen Ding
  • ECASE-ARMY Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers: M. Ehsan Hoque (2019)
  • Humboldt Foundation Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award: Lane A. Hemaspaandra
  • IAAI Deployed Application Award: Henry Kautz (2016)
  • IEEE ICDE Influential Paper Award: Muthu Venkitasubramaniam (2017)
  • IEEE Multimedia Prize Paper: Jiebo Luo (2014)
  • IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation in Academic Award: Jiebo Luo (2018)
  • MIT TR35 Award: Ehsan Hoque 2016; Ji Liu China (2018)
  • NSF Career Awards: John Criswell; Chen Ding; Sandhya Dwarkadas; Daniel Gildea; Wendi Heinzelman; Ehsan Hoque; Engin Ipek; Kai Shen
  • NSF BIGDATA Award for Audio-Visual Scene Understanding: Chenliang Xu (2017)
  • NSF Presidential Young Investigator Awards: James Allen; Lane A. Hemaspaandra
  • NSF Research Initiation Award: Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Randal Nelson
  • ONR Young Investigator Award: Wendi Heinzelman
  • SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (2013)
  • Ubicomp 10-Year Impact Award: Henry Kautz (2013)
  • World Technology Award: M. Ehsan Hoque (2016)

Best Paper Awards

  • International Workshop on OpenCL: Tyler Sorensen, Sreepathi Pai, Alastair Donaldson (2019)
  • 29th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory: Antonio Blanca, Zongchen Chen, Daniel Stefankovic and Eric Vigoda (2018)
  • International Conference on Patter Recognition (ICPR), Best Industrial Related Paper Award: Jiebo Luo with grad student Zhengyuan Yang (2018)
  • 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference: Chenliang Xu (2017)
  • ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management: Raj Parihar, Jacob Brock, Chen Ding, Michael C. Huang: Hardware support for protective and collaborative cache sharing (2016)
  • 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI): Facebook Best Paper Award: Ji Liu (2015)
  • ACM International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Services (ICIMCS): Jiebo Luo with grad student Yuncheng Li (2015)  
  • Fifth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining: Henry Kautz and Jeff Bigham, with grad student Adam Sadilek (2012)
  • ACM Ubiquitous Computing: M. Ehsan Hoque (2013)

External Leadership

  • NSF Division for Information and Intelligent Systems: Henry Kautz (Director 2018-2021)
  • AAAI Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence: Henry Kautz (President 2010-2012)
  • (AAAS) American Association for the Advancement of Science: Henry Kautz (chair 2016)
  • CRA-W Board member (2010-current) Steering committee member (2018-current): Sandhya Dwarkadas:
    • CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop Co-Chair (2013-2018)
    • Borg Early Career Award (BECA) Selection Committee Chair


Internal Recognition

  • University Advisory Committee for Presidential Search: Michael Scott (co-chair 2018)
  • Named Professorship - Albert Arendt Hopeman Professor of Engineering: Sandhya Dwarkadas (2016)
  • Named Professorship: Arthur Gould Yates Professor of Engineering Michael Scott (2016)
  • Goergen Institute for Data Science: Henry Kautz (Founding Director 2014-2018)
  • Asaro-Biggar (‘92) Family Fellow of Data Sciences: Ehsan Hoque (2017-2020)
  • Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Science Lifetime Achievement Award: Michael Scott (2018)
  • Outstanding Dissertation Awards: Mike Spear (2010), Luke Dalessandro (2014); Commendations: Joseph Izraelevitz (2018), Iftekhar Naim (2016), Walter Lasecki (2015), Curtis Menton (2013)
  • Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching: Lane A. Hemaspaandra (2012)
  • Graydon Curtis and Jane W. Curtis Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Non-tenured Member of the Faculty: Wendi Heinzelman (2003)
  • Goergen Award for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate Teaching: Michael Scott (2001)
  • Goergen Award for Curricular Achievement: Computer Science Department
  • William H. Riker Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching: James Allen (1997)


Field Shaping Texts

CTC.jpgThe Complexity Theory Companion (Springer-Verlag, 2002 and 2010)
Lane A. Hemaspaandra and Mitsunori Ogihara
The text is an accessible, algorithmically oriented, research-centered, up-to-date guide to some of the most interesting techniques of complexity theory. Its proof methods are algorithmic, and to highlight the role of algorithmic techniques, it is organized by technique rather than by topic.

CV.jpgComputer Vision (Prentice Hall, 1982)
Dana H. Ballard and Christopher Brown
For many years this book was the defining text for the field, and remains to this day a central resource for computer vision research.

NLU.jpgNatural Language Understanding (Pearson 2nd edition 1994)
James F. Allen
Allen has been a leading text in the field of natural language understanding. It delivers a synthesis of the major modern techniques and the current research in natural language processing. The approach is unique in its coverage of semantic interpretation and discourse alongside the foundational material in syntactic processing.

Book cover.Programming Language Pragmatics (Morgan Kaufmann, 4th edition 2015)
Michael L. Scott
This book addresses the fundamental principles at work in the most important contemporary languages. It highlights the critical relationship between language design and language implementation, and devotes special attention to issues of importance to the expert programmer. With adoptions at over 200 schools, it occupies the #2 sales position in the field.

RAP.gifReasoning About Plans (Morgan-Kaufmann, 1991)
James F. Allen, Henry A. Kautz, Richard Pelavin and Josh Tenenberg
This book presents an integrated framework for temporal reasoning, planning, and plan recognition.

SFA.jpgTheory of Semi-Feasible Algorithms (Springer-Verlag, 2003 and 2010)
Lane A. Hemaspaandra and Leen Torenvliet
Presenting the first consolidated survey of the vibrant field of research known as the theory of semi-feasible algorithms. It showcases the richness of, and contrasts between, the central notions of complexity: running time, non-uniform complexity, lowness, and NP-hardness.