Instances For
{α : Type}
[Inhabited α]
(x : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.DelabM α)
Instances For
partial def
{α : Type}
[Inhabited α]
(x : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.DelabM α)
- name : Lake.Name
- bInfo : Lean.BinderInfo
- isAutoParam : Bool
Instances For
(param : Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.ParamKind)
Instances For
Return array with n-th element set to kind of n-th parameter of e
Instances For
partial def
(f : Lean.Expr)
(args : Array Lean.Expr)
(k : Array Lean.Expr → Lean.Expr → Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.DelabM (Array Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.ParamKind))
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
- info : Lean.Meta.MatcherInfo
- matcherTy : Lean.Expr
- motiveNamed : Bool
State for delabAppMatch
and helpers.
Instances For
Delaborate applications of the form (fun x => b) v
as let_fun x := v; b
Instances For
Check for a Syntax.ident
of the given name anywhere in the tree.
This is usually a bad idea since it does not check for shadowing bindings,
but in the delaborator we assume that bindings are never shadowed.
Delaborate a projection primitive. These do not usually occur in
user code, but are pretty-printed when e.g. #print
ing a projection
Instances For
Delaborate a call to a projection function such as Prod.fst
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Pretty-prints a constant c
as c.{
Instances For
partial def
(idStx : Lean.Ident)
(groups : Lean.TSyntaxArray `Lean.Parser.Term.bracketedBinder)
(curIds : Array Lean.Ident)