This module provides four (mutually dependent) goodies that are needed for building the elaborator and tactic frameworks. 1- Weak head normal form computation with support for metavariables and transparency modes. 2- Definitionally equality checking with support for metavariables (aka unification modulo definitional equality). 3- Type inference. 4- Type class resolution.
They are packed into the MetaM monad.
- foApprox : Bool
is set to true, and someaᵢ
is not a free variable, then we use first-order unification?m a_1 ... a_i a_{i+1} ... a_{i+k} =?= f b_1 ... b_k
reduces to
?m a_1 ... a_i =?= f a_{i+1} =?= b_1 ... a_{i+k} =?= b_k
- ctxApprox : Bool
is set to true, we relax condition 4, by creating an auxiliary metavariable?n'
with a smaller context than?m'
. - quasiPatternApprox : Bool
is set to true, we ignore condition 2. - constApprox : Bool
is set to true, we solve?m t =?= c
using?m := fun _ => c
when?m t
is not a higher-order pattern andc
is not an application as - isDefEqStuckEx : Bool
When the following flag is set,
throws the exeptionExeption.isDefEqStuck
whenever it encounters a constraint?m ... =?= t
is read only. This feature is useful for type class resolution where we may want to notify the caller that the TC problem may be solveable later after it assigns?m
. - transparency : Lean.Meta.TransparencyMode
- zetaNonDep : Bool
If zetaNonDep == false, then non dependent let-decls are not zeta expanded.
- trackZeta : Bool
trackZeta == true
, we store zetaFVarIds all free variables that have been zeta-expanded. - unificationHints : Bool
Enable/disable the unification hints feature.
- proofIrrelevance : Bool
Enables proof irrelevance at
- assignSyntheticOpaque : Bool
By default synthetic opaque metavariables are not assigned by
. Motivation: we want to make sure typing constraints resolved during elaboration should not "fill" holes that are supposed to be filled using tactics. However, this restriction is too restrictive for tactics such asexact t
. When elaboratingt
, we dot not fill named holes when solving typing constraints or TC resolution. But, we ignore the restriction when we try to unify the type oft
with the goal target type. We claim this is not a hack and is defensible behavior because this last unification step is not really part of the term elaboration. - offsetCnstrs : Bool
Enable/Disable support for offset constraints such as
?x + 1 =?= e
- etaStruct : Lean.Meta.EtaStructMode
Eta for structures configuration mode.
Configuration flags for the MetaM
Many of them are used to control the isDefEq
function that checks whether two terms are definitionally equal or not.
Recall that when isDefEq
is trying to check whether
?m@C a₁ ... aₙ
and t
are definitionally equal (?m@C a₁ ... aₙ =?= t
), where
as a shorthand for C |- ?m : t
where t
is the type of ?m
We solve it using the assignment ?m := fun a₁ ... aₙ => t
a₁ ... aₙ
are pairwise distinct free variables that are not let-variables.a₁ ... aₙ
are not inC
only contains free variables inC
and/or{a₁, ..., aₙ}
- For every metavariable
occurring int
is a subprefix ofC
does not occur int
Instances For
- binderInfo : Lean.BinderInfo
The binder annotation for the parameter.
- hasFwdDeps : Bool
is true if there is another parameter whose type depends on this one. backDeps
contains the backwards dependencies. That is, the (0-indexed) position of previous parameters that this one depends on.- isProp : Bool
is true if the parameter is always a proposition. - isDecInst : Bool
- higherOrderOutParam : Bool
is true if this parameter is a higher-order output parameter of local instance. Example:getElem : {cont : Type u_1} → {idx : Type u_2} → {elem : Type u_3} → {dom : cont → idx → Prop} → [self : GetElem cont idx elem dom] → (xs : cont) → (i : idx) → dom xs i → elem
This flag is true for the parameter
because it is output parameter of[self : GetElem cont idx elem dom]
- dependsOnHigherOrderOutParam : Bool
is true if the type of this parameter depends on the higher-order output parameter of a previous local instance. Example:getElem : {cont : Type u_1} → {idx : Type u_2} → {elem : Type u_3} → {dom : cont → idx → Prop} → [self : GetElem cont idx elem dom] → (xs : cont) → (i : idx) → dom xs i → elem
This flag is true for the parameter with type
dom xs i
is an output parameter of the instance[self : GetElem cont idx elem dom]
Function parameter information cache.
Instances For
- paramInfo : Array Lean.Meta.ParamInfo
Parameter information cache.
contains the function result type backwards dependencies. That is, the (0-indexed) position of parameters that the result type depends on.
Function information cache. See ParamInfo
Instances For
- transparency : Lean.Meta.TransparencyMode
The transparency mode used to compute the
. - expr : Lean.Expr
The function being cached information about. It is quite often an
Key for the function information cache.
A mapping (s, t) ↦ isDefEq s t
TODO: consider more efficient representations (e.g., a proper set) and caching policies (e.g., imperfect cache).
We should also investigate the impact on memory consumption.
Instances For
- inferType : Lean.Meta.InferTypeCache
- funInfo : Lean.Meta.FunInfoCache
- synthInstance : Lean.Meta.SynthInstanceCache
- whnfDefault : Lean.Meta.WhnfCache
- whnfAll : Lean.Meta.WhnfCache
- defEq : Lean.Meta.DefEqCache
Cache datastructures for type inference, type class resolution, whnf, and definitional equality.
Instances For
- lhs : Lean.Expr
- rhs : Lean.Expr
- lctx : Lean.LocalContext
- localInstances : Lean.LocalInstances
"Context" for a postponed universe constraint.
and rhs
are the surrounding isDefEq
call when the postponed constraint was created.
Instances For
- ref : Lean.Syntax
We save the
at entry creation time. This is used for reporting errors back to the user. - lhs : Lean.Level
- rhs : Lean.Level
- ctx? : Option Lean.Meta.DefEqContext
Context for the surrounding
call when entry was created.
Auxiliary structure for representing postponed universe constraints.
Remark: the fields ref
and rootDefEq?
are used for error message generation only.
Remark: we may consider improving the error message generation in the future.
Instances For
- mctx : Lean.MetavarContext
- cache : Lean.Meta.Cache
- zetaFVarIds : Lean.FVarIdSet
trackZeta == true
, then any let-decl free variable that is zeta expansion performed byMetaM
is stored inzetaFVarIds
. - postponed : Lean.PersistentArray Lean.Meta.PostponedEntry
Array of postponed universe level constraints
monad state.
Instances For
- core : Lean.Core.State
- meta : Lean.Meta.State
Backtrackable state for the MetaM
- config : Lean.Meta.Config
- lctx : Lean.LocalContext
Local context
- localInstances : Lean.LocalInstances
Local instances in
. - defEqCtx? : Option Lean.Meta.DefEqContext
when inside of anisDefEq
test. SeePostponedEntry
. - synthPendingDepth : Nat
Track the number of nested
invocations. Nested invocations can happen when the type class resolution invokessynthPending
.Remark: in the current implementation,
fails ifsynthPendingDepth > 0
. We will add a configuration option if necessary. - canUnfold? : Option (Lean.Meta.Config → Lean.ConstantInfo → Lean.CoreM Bool)
A predicate to control whether a constant can be unfolded or not at
. Note that we do not cache results atwhnf
is notnone
Contextual information for the MetaM
Instances For
Instances For
Restore backtrackable parts of the state.
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Return the array of postponed universe level constraints.
Instances For
Set the array of postponed universe level constraints.
Instances For
Modify the array of postponed universe level constraints.
Instances For
useEtaStruct inductName
return true
if we eta for structures is enabled for
for the inductive datatype inductName
Recall we have three different settings: .none
(never use it), .all
(always use it), .notClasses
(enabled only for structure-like inductive types that are not classes).
The parameter inductName
affects the result only if the current setting is .notClasses
Instances For
WARNING: The following 4 constants are a hack for simulating forward declarations.
They are defined later using the export
attribute. This is hackish because we
have to hard-code the true arity of these definitions here, and make sure the C names match.
We have used another hack based on IO.Ref
s in the past, it was safer but less efficient.
Reduces an expression to its Weak Head Normal Form. This is when the topmost expression has been fully reduced, but may contain subexpressions which have not been reduced.
Returns the inferred type of the given expression, or fails if it is not type-correct.
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Create a constant with the given name and new universe metavariables.
Example: mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels `Monad
returns @Monad.{?u, ?v}
Instances For
Return current transparency setting/mode.
Instances For
Return some mvarDecl
where mvarDecl
is mvarId
declaration in the current metavariable context.
Return none
if mvarId
has no declaration in the current metavariable context.
Instances For
Instances For
Return mvarId
declaration in the current metavariable context.
Throw an exception if mvarId
is not declarated in the current metavariable context.
Instances For
Instances For
Return mvarId
kind. Throw an exception if mvarId
is not declarated in the current metavariable context.
Instances For
Instances For
Reture true
if e
is a synthetic (or synthetic opaque) metavariable
Instances For
Set mvarId
kind in the current metavariable context.
Instances For
Instances For
Update the type of the given metavariable. This function assumes the new type is definitionally equal to the current one
Instances For
Instances For
Return true if the given metavariable is "read-only".
That is, its depth
is different from the current metavariable context depth.
Instances For
Instances For
Return true if mvarId.isReadOnly
return true or if mvarId
is a synthetic opaque metavariable.
Recall isDefEq
will not assign a value to mvarId
if mvarId.isReadOnlyOrSyntheticOpaque
Instances For
Instances For
Return the level of the given universe level metavariable.
Instances For
Instances For
Return true if the given universe metavariable is "read-only".
That is, its depth
is different from the current metavariable context depth.
Instances For
Instances For
Set the user-facing name for the given metavariable.
Instances For
Instances For
Throw an exception saying fvarId
is not declared in the current local context.
Instances For
Instances For
Return some decl
if fvarId
is declared in the current local context.
Instances For
Instances For
Return the local declaration for the given free variable. Throw an exception if local declaration is not in the current local context.
Instances For
Instances For
Return the type of the given free variable.
Instances For
Return the binder information for the given free variable.
Instances For
Return some value
if the given free variable is a let-declaration, and none
Instances For
Return the user-facing name for the given free variable.
Instances For
Return true
is the free variable is a let-variable.
Instances For
Get the local declaration associated to the given Expr
in the current local
context. Fails if the given expression is not a fvar or if no such declaration exists.
Instances For
Given a user-facing name for a free variable, return its declaration in the current local context. Throw an exception if free variable is not declared.
Instances For
Given a user-facing name for a free variable, return the free variable or throw if not declared.
Instances For
Similar to abstracM
but consider only the first min n xs.size
entries in xs
It is also similar to Expr.abstractRange
, but handles metavariables correctly.
It uses elimMVarDeps
to ensure e
and the type of the free variables xs
do not
contain a metavariable ?m
s.t. local context of ?m
contains a free variable in xs
Instances For
Instances For
Replace free (or meta) variables xs
with loose bound variables.
Similar to Expr.abstract
, but handles metavariables correctly.
Instances For
Instances For
Collect forward dependencies for the free variables in toRevert
Recall that when reverting free variables xs
, we must also revert their forward dependencies.
Instances For
Takes an array xs
of free variables or metavariables and a term e
that may contain those variables, and abstracts and binds them as universal quantifiers.
- if
usedOnly = true
then only variables that the expression body depends on will appear. - if
usedLetOnly = true
same asusedOnly
except for let-bound variables. (That is, local constants which have been assigned a value.)
Instances For
Takes an array xs
of free variables and metavariables and a
body term e
and creates fun ..xs => e
, suitably
abstracting e
and the types in xs
Instances For
Instances For
withConfig f x
executes x
using the updated configuration object obtained by applying f
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
withDefault x
excutes x
using the default transparency setting.
Instances For
withReducible x
excutes x
using the reducible transparency setting. In this setting only definitions tagged as [reducible]
are unfolded.
Instances For
withReducibleAndInstances x
excutes x
using the .instances
transparency setting. In this setting only definitions tagged as [reducible]
or type class instances are unfolded.
Instances For
Execute x
ensuring the transparency setting is at least mode
Recall that .all > .default > .instances > .reducible
Instances For
Execute x
allowing isDefEq
to assign synthetic opaque metavariables.
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Add entry { className := className, fvar := fvar }
to localInstances,
and then execute continuation k
Instances For
isClass? type
return some ClsName
if type
is an instance of the class ClsName
#eval do
let x ← mkAppM ``Inhabited #[mkConst ``Nat]
IO.println (← isClass? x)
-- (some Inhabited)
Instances For
Instances For
Given type
of the form forall xs, A
, execute k xs A
This combinator will declare local declarations, create free variables for them,
execute k
with updated local context, and make sure the cache is restored after executing k
Instances For
Similar to forallTelescope
, but given type
of the form forall xs, A
it reduces A
and continues bulding the telescope if it is a forall
Instances For
Similar to forallTelescopeReducing
, stops constructing the telescope when
it reaches size maxFVars
Instances For
Similar to lambdaTelescope
but for lambda and let expressions.
Instances For
Given e
of the form fun ..xs => A
, execute k xs A
This combinator will declare local declarations, create free variables for them,
execute k
with updated local context, and make sure the cache is restored after executing k
Instances For
Return the parameter names for the given global declaration.
Instances For
Given e
of the form forall ..xs, A
, this combinator will create a new
metavariable for each x
in xs
and instantiate A
with these.
Returns a product containing
- the new metavariables
- the binder info for the
- the instantiated
Instances For
Similar to forallMetaTelescope
, but if e = forall ..xs, A
it will reduce A
to construct further mvars.
Instances For
Similar to forallMetaTelescopeReducing
, stops
constructing the telescope when it reaches size maxMVars
Instances For
Similar to forallMetaTelescopeReducingAux
but for lambda expressions.
Instances For
Create a free variable x
with name, binderInfo and type, add it to the context and run in k
Then revert the context.
Instances For
Instances For
Append an array of free variables xs
to the local context and execute k xs
declInfos takes the form of an array consisting of:
- the name of the variable
- the binder info of the variable
- a type constructor for the variable, where the array consists of all of the free variables defined prior to this one. This is needed because the type of the variable may depend on prior variables.
Instances For
Instances For
Execute k
using a local context where any x
in xs
that is tagged as
instance implicit is treated as a regular implicit.
Instances For
Add the local declaration
to the local context and execute k x
, where x
is a new
free variable corresponding to the let
-declaration. After executing k x
, the local context is restored.
Instances For
Instances For
Register any local instance in decls
Instances For
withExistingLocalDecls decls k
, adds the given local declarations to the local context,
and then executes k
. This method assumes declarations in decls
have valid FVarId
After executing k
, the local context is restored.
Remark: this method is used, for example, to implement the match
Each match
-alternative commes with a local declarations (corresponding to pattern variables),
and we use withExistingLocalDecls
to add them to the local context before we process
Instances For
withNewMCtxDepth k
executes k
with a higher metavariable context depth,
where metavariables created outside the withNewMCtxDepth
(with a lower depth) cannot be assigned.
If allowLevelAssignments
is set to true, then the level metavariable depth
is not increased, and level metavariables from the outer scope can be
assigned. (This is used by TC synthesis.)
Instances For
withLCtx lctx localInsts k
replaces the local context and local instances, and then executes k
The local context and instances are restored after executing k
This method assumes that the local instances in localInsts
are in the local context lctx
Instances For
Execute x
using the given metavariable LocalContext
and LocalInstances
The type class resolution cache is flushed when executing x
if its LocalInstances
different from the current ones.
Instances For
Instances For
withMCtx mctx k
replaces the metavariable context and then executes k
The metavariable context is restored after executing k
This method is used to implement the type class resolution procedure.
Instances For
Execute x
using approximate unification: foApprox
, ctxApprox
and quasiPatternApprox
Instances For
Similar to approxDefEq
, but uses all available approximations.
We don't use constApprox
by default at approxDefEq
because it often produces undesirable solution for monadic code.
For example, suppose we have pure (x > 0)
which has type ?m Prop
. We also have the goal [Pure ?m]
Now, assume the expected type is IO Bool
. Then, the unification constraint ?m Prop =?= IO Bool
could be solved
as ?m := fun _ => IO Bool
using constApprox
, but this spurious solution would generate a failure when we try to
solve [Pure (fun _ => IO Bool)]
Instances For
Instantiate assigned universe metavariables in u
, and then normalize it.
Instances For
with reducible transparency.
Instances For
with default transparency.
Instances For
with instances transparency.
Instances For
Mark declaration declName
with the attribute [inline]
This method does not check whether the given declaration is a definition.
Recall that this attribute can only be set in the same module where declName
has been declared.
Instances For
Given e
of the form forall (a_1 : A_1) ... (a_n : A_n), B[a_1, ..., a_n]
and p_1 : A_1, ... p_n : A_n
, return B[p_1, ..., p_n]
Instances For
Given e
of the form fun (a_1 : A_1) ... (a_n : A_n) => t[a_1, ..., a_n]
and p_1 : A_1, ... p_n : A_n
, return t[p_1, ..., p_n]
It uses whnf
to reduce e
if it is not a lambda
Instances For
Pretty-print the given expression.
Instances For
Pretty-print the given expression.
Instances For
Instances For
Similar to orelse
, but merge errors. Note that internal errors are not caught.
The default mergeRef
uses the ref
(position information) for the first message.
The default mergeMsg
combines error messages using Format.line ++ Format.line
as a separator.
Instances For
Execute x
, and apply f
to the produced error message
Instances For
Instances For
Sort free variables using an order x < y
iff x
was defined before y
If a free variable is not in the local context, we use their id.
Instances For
Return true
if declName
is an inductive predicate. That is, inductive
type in Prop
Instances For
- Lean.Meta.isListLevelDefEqAux [] [] = pure true
- Lean.Meta.isListLevelDefEqAux (u :: us) (v :: vs) = (Lean.Meta.isLevelDefEqAux u v <&&> Lean.Meta.isListLevelDefEqAux us vs)
- Lean.Meta.isListLevelDefEqAux x x = pure false
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
checkpointDefEq x
executes x
and process all postponed universe level constraints produced by x
We keep the modifications only if processPostponed
return true and x
returned true
If mayPostpone == false
, all new postponed universe level constraints must be solved before returning.
We currently try to postpone universe constraints as much as possible, even when by postponing them we
are not sure whether x
really succeeded or not.
Instances For
Determines whether two universe level expressions are definitionally equal to each other.
Instances For
See isDefEq
Instances For
Determines whether two expressions are definitionally equal to each other.
To control how metavariables are assigned and unified, metavariables and their context have a "depth".
Given a metavariable ?m
and a MetavarContext
, ?m
is not assigned if ?m.depth != mctx.depth
The combinator withNewMCtxDepth x
will bump the depth while executing x
So, withNewMCtxDepth (isDefEq a b)
is isDefEq
without any mvar assignment happening
whereas isDefEq a b
will assign any metavariables of the current depth in a
and b
to unify them.
For matching (where only mvars in b
should be assigned), we create the term inside the withNewMCtxDepth
For an example, see Lean.Meta.Simp.tryTheoremWithExtraArgs?
Instances For
Instances For
Similar to isDefEq
, but returns false
if an exception has been thrown.