

Helper method for bootstrapping purposes. It disables arith if support theorems have not been defined yet.

Instances For

    Similar to Result.getProof, but adds a mkExpectedTypeHint if proof? is none (i.e., result is definitionally equal to input), but we cannot establish that source and r.expr are definitionally when using TransparencyMode.reducible.

    Instances For

      Return true if e is of the form ofNat n where n is a kernel Nat literal

      Instances For

        Given the application e, remove unnecessary casts of the form Eq.rec a rfl and Eq.ndrec a rfl.

        Instances For

          Try to use automatically generated congruence theorems. See mkCongrSimp?.

          Process the given congruence theorem hypothesis. Return true if it made "progress".

          Try to rewrite e children using the given congruence theorem

          Instances For
            def Lean.Meta.Simp.main (e : Lean.Expr) (ctx : Lean.Meta.Simp.Context) (usedSimps : optParam Lean.Meta.Simp.UsedSimps ) (methods : optParam Lean.Meta.Simp.Methods { pre := fun e => pure (Lean.Meta.Simp.Step.visit { expr := e, proof? := none, dischargeDepth := 0 }), post := fun e => pure (Lean.Meta.Simp.Step.done { expr := e, proof? := none, dischargeDepth := 0 }), discharge? := fun x => pure none }) :
            Instances For
              def Lean.Meta.Simp.dsimpMain (e : Lean.Expr) (ctx : Lean.Meta.Simp.Context) (usedSimps : optParam Lean.Meta.Simp.UsedSimps ) (methods : optParam Lean.Meta.Simp.Methods { pre := fun e => pure (Lean.Meta.Simp.Step.visit { expr := e, proof? := none, dischargeDepth := 0 }), post := fun e => pure (Lean.Meta.Simp.Step.done { expr := e, proof? := none, dischargeDepth := 0 }), discharge? := fun x => pure none }) :
              Instances For

                Return true if e is of the form (x : α) → ... → s = t → ... → False

                Recall that this kind of proposition is generated by Lean when creating equations for functions and match-expressions with overlapping cases. Example: the following match-expression has overlapping cases.

                def f (x y : Nat) :=
                  match x, y with
                  | Nat.succ n, Nat.succ m => ...
                  | _, _ => 0

                The second equation is of the form

                (x y : Nat) → ((n m : Nat) → x = Nat.succ n → y = Nat.succ m → False) → f x y = 0

                The hypothesis (n m : Nat) → x = Nat.succ n → y = Nat.succ m → False is essentially saying the first case is not applicable.

                Instances For
                  @[inline, reducible]
                  Instances For

                    Tries to solve e using unifyEq?. It assumes that isEqnThmHypothesis e is true.

                    Instances For

                      Auxiliary method. Given the current target of mvarId, apply r which is a new target and proof that it is equal to the current one.

                      Instances For

                        See simpTarget. This method assumes mvarId is not assigned, and we are already using mvarIds local context.

                        Instances For

                          Simplify the given goal target (aka type). Return none if the goal was closed. Return some mvarId' otherwise, where mvarId' is the simplified new goal.

                          Instances For

                            Apply the result r for prop (which is inhabited by proof). Return none if the goal was closed. Return some (proof', prop') otherwise, where proof' : prop' and prop' is the simplified prop.

                            This method assumes mvarId is not assigned, and we are already using mvarIds local context.

                            Instances For

                              Simplify prop (which is inhabited by proof). Return none if the goal was closed. Return some (proof', prop') otherwise, where proof' : prop' and prop' is the simplified prop.

                              This method assumes mvarId is not assigned, and we are already using mvarIds local context.

                              Instances For

                                Simplify simp result to the given local declaration. Return none if the goal was closed. This method assumes mvarId is not assigned, and we are already using mvarIds local context.

                                Instances For