

def Lean.mkErrorStringWithPos (fileName : String) (pos : Lean.Position) (msg : String) (endPos : optParam (Option Lean.Position) none) :
Instances For

    A naming context is the information needed to shorten names in pretty printing.

    It gives the current namespace and the list of open declarations.

    Instances For
      structure Lean.PPFormat :

      Lazily formatted text to be used in MessageData.

      Instances For

        Structured message data. We use it for reporting errors, trace messages, etc.

        Instances For

          Returns true when the message contains a MessageData.tagged tag .. constructor where p tag is true.

          An empty message.

          Instances For

            Wrap the given message in l and r. See also Format.bracket.

            Instances For

              Wrap the given message in parentheses ().

              Instances For

                Wrap the given message in square brackets [].

                Instances For

                  Write the given list of messages as a list, separating each item with ,\n and surrounding with square brackets.

                  Instances For
                    structure Lean.Message :

                    A Message is a richly formatted piece of information emitted by Lean. They are rendered by client editors in the infoview and in diagnostic windows.

                    Instances For
                      Instances For

                        A persistent array of messages.

                        Instances For
                          def Lean.MessageLog.forM {m : TypeType} [Monad m] (log : Lean.MessageLog) (f : Lean.Messagem Unit) :
                          Instances For