- header : String
- opts : Lean.Options
- currNamespace : Lake.Name
- openDecls : List Lean.OpenDecl
- varDecls : Array (Lean.TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Term.bracketedBinder)
section variables
Globally unique internal identifiers for the
- isNoncomputable : Bool
noncomputable sections automatically add the
modifier to any declaration we cannot generate code for.
Instances For
- env : Lean.Environment
- messages : Lean.MessageLog
- scopes : List Lean.Elab.Command.Scope
- nextMacroScope : Nat
- maxRecDepth : Nat
- nextInstIdx : Nat
- ngen : Lean.NameGenerator
- infoState : Lean.Elab.InfoState
- traceState : Lean.TraceState
Instances For
- fileName : String
- fileMap : Lean.FileMap
- currRecDepth : Nat
- cmdPos : String.Pos
- macroStack : Lean.Elab.MacroStack
- currMacroScope : Lean.MacroScope
- ref : Lean.Syntax
- tacticCache? : Option (IO.Ref Lean.Elab.Tactic.Cache)
Instances For
Instances For
- name : Lake.Name
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
Elaborate x
with stx
on the macro stack
Instances For
wrapper that should be used for the initial invocation, not for recursive calls after
macro expansion etc.
Instances For
Adapt a syntax transformation to a regular, command-producing elaborator.
Instances For
Return identifier names in the given bracketed binder.
Instances For
Lift the TermElabM
monadic action x
into a CommandElabM
monadic action.
Note that x
is executed with an empty message log. Thus, x
cannot modify/view messages produced by
previous commands.
If you need to access the free variables corresponding to the ones declared using the variable
consider using runTermElabM
Recall that TermElabM
actions can automatically lift MetaM
and CoreM
import Lean
open Lean Elab Command Meta
def printExpr (e : Expr) : MetaM Unit := do
IO.println s!"{← ppExpr e} : {← ppExpr (← inferType e)}"
liftTermElabM do
printExpr (mkConst ``Nat)
Instances For
Execute the monadic action elabFn xs
as a CommandElabM
monadic action, where xs
are free variables
corresponding to all active scoped variables declared using the variable
This method is similar to liftTermElabM
, but it elaborates all scoped variables declared using the variable
import Lean
open Lean Elab Command Meta
variable {α : Type u} {f : α → α}
variable (n : Nat)
runTermElabM fun xs => do
for x in xs do
IO.println s!"{← ppExpr x} : {← ppExpr (← inferType x)}"