CS Faculty Receive Research Awards from Adobe, Google, Microsoft, and Xerox

November 1, 2014

Daniel Gildea, Ehsan Hoque, Kai Shen, Jiebo Luo, and Muthu Venkitasubramaniam all received a Gift from Google.  Ehsan Hoque has received a Google Faculty Research Award for his research on data-driven adaptive learning, and innovative assessment methods.  Details: http://services.google.com/fh/files/blogs/googlefras-aug2014.pdf

Philip Guo has received a gift from Microsoft Research to integrate interactive labs for computer science education into Microsoft Office Mix (https://mix.office.com/), building upon his Online Python Tutor (http://pythontutor.com) project.

Jiebo Luo received an award from Adobe

Jiebo Luo received an award from Xerox.