

Local function usage information used to decide whether it should be inlined or not. The information is an approximation, but it is on the "safe" side. That is, if we tagged a function with .once, then it is applied only once. A local function may be marked as .many, but after simplifications the number of applications may reduce to 1. This is not a big problem in practice because we run the simplifier multiple times, and this information is recomputed from scratch at the beginning of each simplification step.

Instances For

    Local function declaration statistics.

    Instances For

      Add new occurrence for the local function with binder name key.

      Instances For

        Add new occurrence for the local function occurring as an argument for another function.

        Instances For

          Add new occurrence for the local function with binder name key.

          Instances For

            Traverse code and update function occurrence map. This map is used to decide whether we inline local functions or not. If mustInline := true, then all local function declarations occurring in code are tagged as .mustInline. Recall that we use .mustInline for local function declarations occurring in type class instances.

            Instances For