wiki:Useful Console Commands

Once Quagents is running, you can type ` (backtick) to bring up the game console, which allows you to chat as well as issue game console commands. You can use SHIFT-Page Up and SHIFT-Page Down to scroll in the console window.

\cmdlist - lists all commands.

\cvarlist - lists a bunch of variables that you can change to modify the game.

\follow [1+] - follow the client whose number is the argument. If you give no number you become a free-floating observer.

\map or \dev_map [MAP] - load the map. You can get a list of maps by typing, "\map " and pressing tab. (You do need that space typed to use the tab completion.) If you change the map while there are active quagents, they will revert to their primal instincts, find the nearest best weapon, and proceed to hunt the most dangerous game, so be prepared to defend yourself.

\viewpos - prints location of the viewpoint of the user.

\kill - if you fall into a location that is supposed to autokill you but doesn't, \kill will let you respawn.

Useful C_vars: c_vars can be set just by using the command \VARNAME VALUE, or can be set when the server is booting by passing the "+set VARNAME VALUE" arguments to ioquake3 on the command line.

\timescale [0-inf] - scale the simulation speed by the specified amount. There is a minimum number of msec per frame, so entering 0 will not cause strange problems.

\cg_draw2D [0-1] - toggle drawing of the HUD.

\cg_drawGun [0-3] - toggle drawing of the gun or the position of the gun (0=invisible, 1=right, 2=left, 3=center).

\sv_pure [0-1] - turn pure server on or off. A key thing this var does is choose whether the game loads the .qvm files (\sv_pure 1) or the .so/.dll/.dylib files (\sv_pure 0). On MacOSX, we have been unable to get the game running without passing it +set sv_pure 0.

\vm_game [0-1] - turn off (0) or on (1) the virtual machine for the game module. I've had some trouble getting this to work properly - recommended that you be overly verbose about turning off the vm if you want to, and passing +set sv_pure 0 +set vm_game 0 +set vm_cgame 0 +set vm_ui 0.

\vm_cgame [0-1] - As above for the cgame module.

\vm_ui [0-1] - As above for the ui module.

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Aug 26, 2011 3:05:03 PM