Robotic Imaging System
The Robotic Imaging System simulates a user-controlled robot with onboard camera. The user directly controls both the robot's movement and the camera.
Quagents Implementation
The Robotics Imaging System allows the user to control the quagent's actions using the keyboard. The available actions are movement, rotation, jumping, and taking images. When the scenario is started up, the user will automatically follow the quagent's point of view.
User Notes
Use the W A S D keys to move the quagent. The left and right arrow keys rotate the quagent while the up and down arrow keys allow the quagent to look up and down. The 1 and 2 keys tell the quagent to take a depth image or color image respectively. Images can also be taking by clicking on one of the buttons in the panel.
Development Notes
The Robotics Imaging System uses Java Swing's key listener to invoke basic bot movement commands, allowing the user to control the quagent. Buttons are also available to allow the user to take images.
Attachments (2)
- RoboticImaging.png (245.7 KB) - added by xwang 14 years ago.
- RoboticImaging.2.png (245.7 KB) - added by xwang 14 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip