wiki:Map Editor

Version 21 (modified by kedwar10, 14 years ago) (diff)





  • Download Open Arena to program files and rename folder to "OpenArena".
  • Create a "maps" folder in /baseoa/.
  • Download gtkRadiant 1.5 and install it.
  • Add (the folder) to base directory (see setup link).
  • Add (the file) to /games/ (see attachments).

If you're working on windows 7, you'll have to create .map files with notepad before editing them in gtkRadiant. (e.g create an empty file /OpenArena/baseoa/maps/

After you're done editing the map, hit alt-b and select the second-to- last option.

To make the .aas file open the command prompt, navigate to gtkradiant and run

bspc -bsp2aas "C:\Program Files\OpenArena\baseoa\maps\" -forcesidesvisible

In Openarena and hit ` to open console and type

\seta sv_pure 0

\devmap mymap

Map Generator

The map generator is a collection of perl scripts that can be used to generate random mazes and wumpus worlds.

  • To make a maze run "perl <map name> <width> <height> <partitions>" where the 'partitions' argument is used to control the number of connected components in the maze. These components are accessible to one another by doors that can be triggered with buttons located somewhere inside the component (this may require teamwork if the map is sufficiently large).
  • To make a wumpus world run "perl <map name> <width> <height>". This is currently non-functional as the dimensions of some textures are warped during execution.

The resulting maps are outputted to the ~/maps directory. Do not edit the ~/maps/*_cell directories as these are the templates for all generated maps.

Attachments (6)

Download all attachments as: .zip