Director Control Panel
The Director Control Panel provides a GUI "swiss army knife" for the Quagents Director?. It provides the user intuitive controls for manipulating other players, Quagents, and the game world in general.
Quagents Implementation
The control panel provides a set of graphical hooks for accessing director commands. These commands may be separated into two semantically distinct sets - commands which affect a single player or Quagent and commands which affect the game world as a whole. As such, the panel is separated into two distinct tabbed panels - one for the former and one for the latter. Each button, field, and drop box present in the GUI references (directly or indirectly) a ProtocolZero director command.
Currently, the scenario spawns a player character in addition to creating a director connection. This will be patched in the next version of Quagents to provide only a director connection and ability to follow any connected entity's viewpoint. For more information, see the below TODO section.
User Notes
The following are screenshots of the control panel:
"Quagents" tab of the control panel
This tab provides access to all individual entity-related commands. Currently, this consists of getting health, armor and location (via the refresh buttons), and setting health and armor (via entry into the that field). The dropbox contains a list of all connected entities, Quagent or player, and allows director access to any desired entity.
"World" tab of the control panel
This tab provides access to macroscopic game conditions.
Note that the textarea, which displays important events, is located outside of the tabbed panes.
Development Notes
The control panel is simply a GUI mask over director commands. Each field, button, and drop box has a direct mapping to a relevant director command, via Java Swing ActionListeners?.
Attachments (2)
- controlpanel1.png (51.9 KB) - added by jherwitz 14 years ago.
- controlpanel2.png (63.2 KB) - added by jherwitz 14 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip