Nonblocking Concurrent Data Structures with Condition Synchronization

Pseudocode from article of the above name in DISC'04. Michael L. Scott and William N. Scherer III.

The dualstack is derived from the non-dual version due to Treiber. [R. K. Treiber. Systems Programming: Coping with Parallelism. RJ 5118, IBM Almaden Research Center, April 1986.] Satisfies pending requests in LIFO order using a mechanism in which adjacent reservation and data nodes “annihilate” each other. Assumes the availability of a double-width CAS instruction, to avoid the ABA problem; could easily use single-width LL/SC instead. Spinning threads impose no contention on either cache-coherent or non-cache-coherent machines.

The dualqueue is derived from the non-dual version due to Michael and Scott. Takes its name from the firmware-supported dualqueues of the c.1982 BBN Butterfly Parallel Processor. Satisfies pending requests in FIFO order. Assumes the availability of a double-width CAS instruction, to avoid the ABA problem; could easily use single-width LL/SC instead. Spinning threads impose no contention on a cache-coherent machine; an extra level of indirection would be required on non-cache-coherent machines.

The dualqueue constitutes, trivially, a previously unknown queue-based mutual exclusion lock. When initialized with k items it constitutes a contention-free spin-based semaphore. When paired with a test-and-set lock it provides a “limited contention” spin lock that balances fairness against locality on a distributed memory machine. The pseudocode here incorporates a bug fix reported by Carlos Martins.

Lock-free “annihilating” dual stack

struct cptr {                // counted pointer
    snode *ptr;
    int sn;
};  // 64-bit datatype

struct tptr {                // tagged pointer
    snode *30 ptr;
    bool is_request;         // tags describe
    bool data_underneath;    // pointed-to node
};  // 32-bit datatype

struct ctptr extends tptr {  // counted tagged pointer
    int sn;
};  // 64-bit datatype

struct dualstack {
    ctptr head;

struct snode {               // stack node
    union {
        int data;
        cptr data_node;      // data must overlie ptr, not sn
    tptr next;

void ds_init(dualstack *S)
    stack->head.ptr = NULL;

void push(int v, dualstack *S)
    snode *n = new snode;
    n->data = v;

    while (1) {
        ctptr head = S->head;
        n->next = head;
        if (head.ptr == NULL || (!head.is_request && !head.data_underneath)) {
            if (cas(&S->head, head, {{n, FALSE, FALSE},})) return;
        } else if (head.is_request) {
            tptr next = head.ptr->next;
            cptr old = head.ptr->data_node;
            // link in filler node
            if (!cas(&S->head, head, {{n, FALSE, TRUE},}))
                continue;   // someone else fulfilled the request
            // fulfill request node
            (void) cas(&head.ptr->data_node, old, {n,});
            // link out filler and request
            (void) cas(&S->head, {{n, FALSE, TRUE},}, {next,});
        } else {    // data underneath; need to help
            tptr next = head.ptr->next;
            if (next.ptr == NULL) continue;  // inconsistent snapshot
            cptr old = next.ptr->data_node;
            if (head != S->head) continue;   // inconsistent snapshot
            // fulfill request node
            if (old.ptr == NULL)
                (void) cas(&next.ptr->data_node, old, {head.ptr,});
            // link out filler and request
            (void) cas(&S->head, head, {next->next,});

int pop(dualstack *S{, thread_id r})
    snode *n = NULL;

    while (1) {
        ctptr head = S->head;
        if (!head.is_request && !head.data_underneath) {
            tptr next = head.ptr->next;
            if (cas(&S->head, head, {next,})) {
                int result = head.ptr->data;
                delete head.ptr;
                if (n != NULL) delete n;
                return result;
        } else if (head.ptr == NULL || head.is_request) {
            if (n == NULL) {
                n = new snode;
                n->data_node.ptr = NULL;
            n->next = {head.ptr, TRUE, FALSE};
            if (!cas(&S->head, head, {{n, TRUE, FALSE},}))
                continue;   // couldn't push request

            // initial linearization point

            while (n->data_node.ptr == NULL); // local spin
            // help remove my request node if needed
            head = S->head;
            if (head.ptr == n)
                (void) cas(&S->head, head, {n->next,});
            int result = n->data_node.ptr->data;
            delete n->data_node.ptr;  delete n;
            return result;
        } else {    // data underneath; need to help
            tptr next = head.ptr->next;
            if (next.ptr == NULL) continue;  // inconsistent snapshot
            cptr old = next.ptr->data_node;
            if (head != S->head) continue;   // inconsistent snapshot
            // fulfill request node
            if (old.ptr == NULL)
                (void) cas(&next.ptr->data_node, old, {head.ptr,});
            // link out filler and request
            (void) cas(&S->head, head, {next->next,});

Lock-free dualqueue

struct cptr {                // counted pointer
    qnode *ptr;
    int sn;
};  // 64-bit datatype

struct ctptr {              // counted tagged pointer
    qnode *31 ptr;
    bool is_request;        // tag describes pointed-to node
    int sn;
};  // 64-bit datatype

struct qnode {
    cval data;
    cptr request;
    ctptr next;

struct dualqueue {
    cptr head;
    ctptr tail;

void dq_init(dualqueue *Q)
    qnode *qn = new qnode;
    qn->next.ptr = NULL;
    Q->head.ptr = Q->tail.ptr = qn;
    Q->tail.is_request = FALSE;

void enqueue(int v, dualqueue *Q)
    qnode *n = new qnode;
    n->data = v;
    n->next.ptr = n->request.ptr = NULL;
    while (1) {
        ctptr tail = Q->tail;
        cptr head = Q->head;
        if (tail.ptr == head.ptr) || !tail.is_request) {
            // queue empty, tail falling behind, or queue contains data (queue could also 
            // contain exactly one outstanding request with tail pointer as yet unswung)
            cptr next = tail.ptr->next;
            if (tail == Q->tail) {  // tail and next are consistent
                if (next.ptr != NULL) {     // tail falling behind
                    (void) cas(&Q->tail, tail, {{next.ptr, next.is_request},});
                } else {    // try to link in the new node
                    if (cas(&tail.ptr->next, next, {{n, FALSE},})) {
                        (void) cas(&Q->tail, tail, {{n, FALSE},});
        } else {    // queue consists of requests
            ctptr next = head.ptr->next;
            if (tail == Q->tail) {      // tail has not changed
                cptr req = next.ptr->request;
                if (head == Q->head) {  // head, next, and req are consistent
                    bool success = (req.ptr == NULL
                        && cas(&next.ptr->request, req, {n,}));
                    // try to remove fulfilled request even if it's not mine
                    (void) cas(&Q->head, head, {next.ptr,});
                    if (success) return;

int dequeue(dualqueue *Q{, thread_id r})
    qnode *n = new qnode;
    n->is_request = TRUE;
    n->ptr = n->request = NULL;

    while (1) {
        cptr head  = Q->head;
        ctptr tail = Q->tail;
        if ((tail.ptr == head.ptr) || tail.is_request) {
            // queue empty, tail falling behind, or queue contains data (queue could also 
            // contain exactly one outstanding request with tail pointer as yet unswung)
            cptr next = tail.ptr->next;
            if (tail == Q->tail) {  // tail and next are consistent
                if (next.ptr != NULL) {     // tail falling behind
                    (void) cas(&Q->tail, tail, {{next.ptr, next.is_request},});
                } else {    // try to link in a request for data
                    if (cas(&tail.ptr->next, next, {{n, TRUE},})) {
                        // linked in request; now try to swing tail pointer
                        (void) cas(&Q->tail, tail, {{n, TRUE},}) {
                        // help someone else if I need to
                        if (head == Q->head && head.ptr->request.ptr != NULL) {
                            (void)cas(&Q->head, head, {head.ptr->next.ptr,});

                        // initial linearization point

                        while (tail.ptr->request.ptr == NULL);  // spin
                        // help snip my node
                        head =  Q->head;
                        if (head.ptr == tail.ptr) {
                            (void) cas(&Q->head, head, {n,});
                        // data is now available; read it out and go home
                        int result = tail.ptr->request.ptr->data;
                        delete tail.ptr->request.ptr;  delete tail.ptr;
                        return result;
        } else {    // queue consists of real data
            cptr next = head.ptr->next;
            if (tail == Q->tail) {
                // head and next are consistent; read result *before* swinging head
                int result = next.ptr->data;
                if (cas(&Q->head, head, {next.ptr,})) {
                    delete head.ptr;  delete n;
                    return result;

Last Change: 27 July 2004 / Michael Scott's email address