Assignment 3


This is an individual assignment. You may discuss questions and potential solutions with your classmates, but you may not look at their code or their solutions. If in doubt, ask the instructor.

The assignment is only tested on the CSUG machines, as are the scripts for packaging. Any issues that arise from trying to use other machines will be ignored or dealt with on a low priority.

If you want to take a slip day, as permitted by your syllabus, your email request must be sent to the instructor before the deadline. The instructor will note it, but will not acknowledge it immediately.


There are two parts to this assignment. The first part requires you to build a doubly-linked list.

The second part requires you to build a pool-based memory allocator that uses the doubly-linked list to track allocations and free objects.

Setup and Smoke Test

After you have downloaded and unpacked the assignment, you should run the following commands and see the following output.

$ cd a3/dbll
$ make
cc -std=c99 -Wall -g -I . -I ../th -O dbll_test.c dbll.c ../th/test_helper.c -o dbll_test
$ ./dbll_test
FAIL: dbll_create return value ((nil)) must be non-NULL
=== DONE

To check the memory allocator, do the following (assuming you're in a3/dbll):

$ cd ../poolalloc
$ make
cc -std=c99 -Wall -g -I ../dbll -I . -I ../th -O pa_test.c poolalloc.c ../dbll/dbll.c ../th/test_helper.c -o pa_test
$ ./pa_test
FAIL: mpool_create returned non-null ((nil))

If you see the above, you're all set to begin working.

Doubly-Linked List

To work on the doubly-linked list, edit the file dbll.c, and fill out the functions.

Look at the main function in dbll_test.c to figure out the order in which you should do the assignment. Since we're dealing with memory accesses and pointers, the tests will stop immediately as soon as they detect an error.

Your workflow should look like this:

  1. Edit dbll.c
  2. Run make to compile dbll_test
  3. Fix compiler errors if any, goto 2.
  4. Run dbll_test
  5. Fix any run-time errors using gdb, valgrind, etc. (See the notes section below)
  6. Goto 1, fix any failing tests.

If you pass all these preliminary tests, you should get a message ALL DONE when you run dbll_test. You should submit to Gradescope at this time.

Memory Allocator

To work on pool-based allocator, edit the file poolalloc.c, and fill out the functions.

Look at the main function pa_test.c to guide your efforts. Again, the tests will stop as soon as they detect an error.

The goal of a pool-based allocator is to allocate a large chunk of memory at the beginning (this is the "pool"), which is done by mpool_create. Then all future allocations obtained using mpool_alloc are carved out of this pool.

Essentially, all memory allocators work by keeping track of free blocks of memory and allocated blocks of memory. In the beginning, your allocator will begin with one big block of memory in the free_list whose size is equivalent to the pool size. As allocations are made, this big block of memory will be broken up into smaller chunks that are tracked using alloc_list. Blocks that are mpool_freed are moved back into the free list.

Read the comments in the poolalloc.c to understand what each function must do. The comments outside each function describe the behaviour of the function, and your implementation must follow that. The comments inside each function body describe a possible way to implement a function. You can ignore these if you find them unhelpful.

You can also take a look at pa_test.c to see how the pool allocator is supposed to behave.

Reading Section 9.9 of the textbook is highly recommended, but the pool-based allocator is simpler than the one described there.

Helpful notes

Segmentation faults

It is almost certain you will encounter segmentation faults when doing this assignment.

First, try to find out where in your source code segmentation faults are occuring. For this, use a debugger.

For example, run your program inside gdb:

$ gdb dbll_test
(gdb) run

If gdb encounters a segmentation fault, it will show you where the segmentation fault occurred.

Recall that segmentation faults occur when you deference pointers incorrectly. Try to identify which pointer is causing the segmentation fault, and look at its value to understand why (use the p command to print out the value of the variable).

You may find the GDB tutorials here helpful.

State Dump

You may find it useful to dump out the state of your memory allocator.

To do this, write a function that simply prints out all the items in alloc_list and in free_list.