Computer Science 242


Fall 2024

  • No credit for late homework.
  • Programming assignments must be in Python or Java
  • Hand in on Blackboard
  • You can talk to each other, but no "group projects". Everyone has to hand in their own work.
  • Do not cut and past any code from any of your classmates.
  • If you use code from an online website, then you must provide proper references in the comments and indicate how much you wrote and how much you got from the site.
  • If you use a tool like ChatGPT, , then you must provide proper references in the comments and indicate what parts you wrote and what parts you got from the tool.

Homework 1, due Fri 9/6 end of day on Blackboard
Homework 2, due Fri 9/27 end of day on Blackboard
Homework A, review problems for 1st midterm, not collected
Homework B, review problems for 2nd midterm, not collected
Homework 3, due Fri 10/11 end of day on Blackboard
Homework 4, due Fri 11/22 end of day on Blackboard
Homework 5, due Fri 12/6 end of day on Blackboard
Homework C, review problems for final, not collected

pawlicki @ cs rochester edu
August 16, 2024