frames- [ARG0 The top money funds] are [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel yielding] [ARG1 well over 9 %] .
- It 's made *-2 only in years when the grapes ripen perfectly *T*-1 -LRB- the last was 1979 -RRB- and comes from [ARG0 a single acre] of grapes that *T*-166 [rel yielded] [ARG1 a mere 75 cases] [ARGM-TMP in 1987] .
- Proponents of the funding arrangement predict that , [ARGM-ADV based on recent filing levels of more than 2,000 a year] , [ARG0 the fees] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel yield] [ARG1 at least $ 40 million *U* *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP this fiscal year] , or $ 10 million *U* more than the budget cuts .
- [ARG0 The 7 3\/8 % term bonds due 2009] are priced *-1 at 99 1\/2 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.422 %] , and 7 3\/8 % term bonds due 2019 are priced *-2 at 99 * to yield 7.458 % .
- The 7 3\/8 % term bonds due 2009 are priced *-1 at 99 1\/2 * to yield 7.422 % , and [ARG0 7 3\/8 % term bonds due 2019] are priced *-2 at 99 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.458 %] .
- [ARG0 The 7.40 % term bonds due 2009] are priced *-1 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.45 %] , and 7.40 % term bonds due 2017 are priced *-2 * to yield 7.50 % .
- The 7.40 % term bonds due 2009 are priced *-1 * to yield 7.45 % , and [ARG0 7.40 % term bonds due 2017] are priced *-2 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.50 %] .
- [ARG0 The 7 5\/8 % bonds due 2009] are priced *-2 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.65 %] , and 7 5\/8 % bonds due 2029 are priced *-1 at 98 1\/2 * to yield 7.74 % .
- The 7 5\/8 % bonds due 2009 are priced *-2 * to yield 7.65 % , and [ARG0 7 5\/8 % bonds due 2029] are priced *-1 at 98 1\/2 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.74 %] .
- IBM , the giant computer maker , offered $ 750 million *U* of [ARG0 non-callable 30-year debentures] priced * *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.47 % , or about 1\/2 percentage point higher than the yield on 30-year Treasury bonds] .
- [ARG0 The benchmark] was priced *-1 at 102 22\/32 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.88 %] compared with 102 12\/32 * to yield 7.90 % Tuesday .
- The benchmark was priced *-1 at 102 22\/32 *-2 to yield 7.88 % compared with 102 12\/32 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.90 %] Tuesday .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year notes] were quoted at 100 22\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.88 %] compared with 100 16\/32 * to yield 7.90 % .
- The latest 10-year notes were quoted at 100 22\/32 *-1 to yield 7.88 % compared with 100 16\/32 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.90 %] .
- [ARG0 The Ginnie Mae 9 % securities] were [rel yielding] [ARG1 9.32 %] [ARGM-ADV to a 12-year average life] .
- -- In Japan , [ARG0 the benchmark No. 111 4.6 % issue due 1998] ended on brokers screens unchanged at 95.09 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.435 %] .
- [ARG0 The 12 % notes due 1995] fell 9\/32 to 103 3\/8 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 11.10 %] .
- The first hybrid corn seeds produced * * using this mechanical approach were introduced *-16 in the 1930s and [ARG0 they] [rel yielded] [ARG1 as much as 20 % more corn than naturally pollinated plants] .
- [ARG0 $ 350 million *U* of senior subordinated debentures , due Nov. 1 , 2004 ,] was priced *-144 at par *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12 7\/8 %] .
- [ARG0 $ 70.3 million *U* of pollution control revenue bonds -LRB- Houston Lighting & Power Co . Project -RRB- , due Oct. 1 , 2019 ,] were tentatively priced *-1 by a Goldman , Sachs & Co. group at 98 1\/4 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.649 %] [ARGM-MNR with a coupon of 7 1\/2 %] .
- [ARG0 $ 350 million *U* of JCP Master Credit Card Trust asset-backed certificates , Series B , with a final stated maturity of Oct. 15 , 2001 ,] was priced *-158 at 99.1875 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.192 %] [ARGM-MNR with a coupon of 8.95 %] .
- But despite the acrimony between Mr. Ross and Mr. Yetnikoff , officials of the Time side of Time Warner have reportedly been increasingly interested in [ARG0 a settlement] that *T*-206 [ARGM-MOD might] [rel yield] [ARG1 attractive business opportunities] .
- Despite the pain of adjusting , [ARG0 the cultural revolution] has begun *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 exciting cars] .
- [ARG0 The offering] was priced *-258 with an 8.95 % coupon rate at 99.1875 % *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.19 %] .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year notes] were unchanged at 100 16\/32 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.904 %] .
- [ARG0 The securities] were priced *-1 at 99.1875 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 about 9.19 %] .
- Elsewhere , [ARG0 Ginnie Mae 's 9 % issue for November delivery] was quoted *-1 at 98 18\/32 bid * , up 5\/32 from late Monday , * to [rel yield] [ARG1 about 9.333 %] [ARGM-MNR to a 12-year average life assumption] .
- Germany 's 7 % bond due October 1999 was unchanged at 99.35 *-1 to yield 7.09 % while [ARG0 the 6 3\/4 % notes due July 1994] rose 0.025 point to 97.275 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.445 %] .
- [ARG0 Japan 's benchmark No. 111 issue due 1998] ended on brokers ' screens at 95.90 , down 0.02 point , *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.435 %] .
- Britain 's benchmark 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007 rose 2\/32 to 111 1\/2 *-1 to yield 10.14 % while [ARG0 the 11 3\/4 % notes due 1991] were unchanged at 98 21\/32 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12.95 %] .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year notes] ended at about 100 16\/32 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.90 %] , compared with 100 11\/32 0 *T*-2 to yield 7.93 % on Friday .
- The latest 10-year notes ended at about 100 16\/32 0 *T*-1 to yield 7.90 % , compared with 100 11\/32 0 [ARG0 *T*-2] to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.93 %] on Friday .
- The benchmark 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007 rose 10\/32 to 111 14\/32 *-1 to yield 10.14 % , while [ARG0 the Treasury 's 12 % notes due 1995] rose 7\/32 to 103 5\/8 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 11.04 %] .
- The 7 % Treasury bond due October 1999 ended off 0.60 point to 99.35 *-1 to yield 7.09 % , while [ARG0 the 6 3\/4 % notes due 1994] fell 0.35 point to 97.25 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.45 %] .
- [ARG0 Japan 's No. 111 4.6 % bond due 1998] ended the day on brokers screens at 95.11 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.43 %] .
- He should do more *-1 to reduce tax rates on wealth and income , in recognition of the fact that [ARG0 those cuts] [rel yield] [ARG1 higher , not lower , revenues] .
- The offering , with an expected average life of 3.2 years , will float monthly at 20 basis points above the rate on an index of [ARG0 30-day double-A-rated commercial paper] , which *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP now] [rel yields] [ARG1 about 8.50 %] .
- $ 200 million *U* of 8.85 % certificates backed * by [ARG0 automobile loans] priced * *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.99 %] via First Boston Corp .
- 125 million Australian dollars of [ARG0 zero-coupon Eurobonds] due Dec. 12 , 1994 , priced * at 50.9375 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 15.06 % less fees] via Hambros Bank Ltd .
- A$ 50 million *U* of [ARG0 17 1\/2 % Eurobonds due Dec. 4 , 1991] , priced * at 101.95 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 17.06 less fees] via Westpac Banking Corp .
- 100 million Swiss francs of [ARG0 6 1\/8 % privately placed notes due Sept. 30 , 1996] , priced * at 100 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.99 %] via Citicorp Investment Bank Switzerland .
- [ARGM-TMP In April] , when many of them bought their CDs *T*-1 , [ARG0 six-month certificates] were [rel yielding] [ARG1 more than 9 %] ; investors willing * to look could find double-digit yields at some banks and thrifts .
- * Consider , for instance , [ARG0 two bond funds] from Vanguard Group of Investment Cos. that *T*-1 were [ARGM-ADV both] [rel yielding] [ARG1 8.6 %] [ARGM-TMP on a recent day] .
- [ARG0 *] Put * March 31 , 1992 , at a fixed 107 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 3.43 %] .
- * Put [ARG0 *] March 31 , 1992 , at fixed 107 13\/16 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 3.43 %] .
- [ARG0 The notes] were priced *-2 *-3 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8 %] and are convertible into the company 's Class B common stock at a price which *T*-1 represents a 15 % premium over the market price on Oct. 10 , 1989 .
- The researchers , who *T*-2 are being financed *-1 by the Lithox funds , will receive a royalty , or percentage of sales , if [ARG0 their research] [rel yields] [ARG1 a commercial product] .
- [ARG0 Serial certificates] [rel yield] [ARG1 to 7.10 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2004] .
- [ARG0 The $ 58.9 million *U* of 7 % certificates due 2016] carry the issue 's high yield , priced * at 97 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.19 %] .
- [ARG0 The convertible capital appreciation bonds] all [rel yield] [ARG1 7.25 %] [ARGM-TMP to their respective conversion dates , when they become 7 1\/4 % current interest-bearing bonds until maturity *T*-1] .
- Skopbank -LRB- Finland -RRB- -- 10 billion yen of [ARG0 5 3\/4 % bonds] due Nov. 20 , 1992 , priced * at 101 3\/8 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 5 3\/4 % less full fees] , [ARGM-MNR via IBJ International] .
- [ARG0 Put option] March 31 , 1992 , at 107 3\/4 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 a fixed 3.52 %] .
- While [ARG0 other mines] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel yield] [ARG1 more carats] , a higher percentage of them go to industrial use .
- The state could also increase gasoline taxes ; [ARG0 every one penny increase in the tax] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel yield] [ARG1 $ 11 million *U* a month] .
- Xerox Corp. -- [ARG0 $ 150 million *U* of 8 3\/4 % notes] due Nov. 1 , 1995 , priced * at 99.555 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.85 %] .
- Exxon Capital Corp. -- [ARG0 $ 200 million *U* of 8 1\/4 % notes] due Nov. 1 , 1999 , priced * at 99.60 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.31 %] .
- American General Finance Corp. -- [ARG0 $ 150 million *U* of 8.45 % notes] due Oct. 15 , 2009 , through Bear , Stearns & Co. , being offered * at a price of 99.661 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.50 %] .
- Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. -- [ARG0 $ 100 million *U* of first and refunding mortgage bonds] , due Oct. 15 , 1999 , through Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. , offered * at par *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.40 %] .
- [ARG0 Serial bonds] are priced *-1 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 to 7 %] [ARGM-TMP in 1999] .
- [ARG0 Current interest serial bonds] are tentatively priced *-1 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 to 7.05 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2002] .
- Citicorp -- [ARG0 $ 200 million *U* of 8 3\/4 % notes] due Nov. 1 , 1996 , priced * at 99.64 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.82 %] .
- [ARG0 Put option] on Dec. 31 , 1991 , at a fixed 107 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 3.43 %] .
- [ARG0 Put option] on Dec. 31 , 1991 , at an indicated 107 7\/8 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 3.84 %] .
- Boatmen 's Bancshares Inc. -- [ARG0 $ 150 million *U* of 9 1\/4 % subordinated notes] due Nov. 1 , 2001 , priced * at 99.821 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.275 %] .
- [ARG0 T-bills sold * at Monday 's auction] [rel yielded] [ARG1 7.90 % for six months and 7.77 % for three months , up from 7.82 % and 7.61 % , respectively , the week before] .
- Some traders pointed hopefully to earlier estimates by UAL 's investment adviser , First Boston Corp. , that [ARG0 recapitalizations] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel yield] [ARG1 $ 245 to $ 280 *U* a share] .
- In when-issued trading , [ARG0 the notes] were quoted *-1 at a price 0 *T*-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.78 %] .
- Yesterday , [ARG0 the benchmark 30-year bond] was quoted *-1 late at 102 18\/32 0 *T*-2 to yield 7.89 % , compared with 102 9\/32 0 *T*-3 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.93 %] [ARGM-TMP on Monday] .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year Treasury] was quoted *-1 at 100 22\/32 0 *T*-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.88 %] , compared with 100 17\/32 0 *T*-3 to yield 7.9 % .
- The latest 10-year Treasury was quoted *-1 at 100 22\/32 0 *T*-2 to yield 7.88 % , compared with [ARG0 100 17\/32] 0 *T*-3 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.9 %] .
- Exxon Capital , long-rumored * to be a potential debt issuer , offered $ 200 million *U* of [ARG0 10-year notes] priced * *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.31 %] .
- Citicorp issued $ 200 million *U* of [ARG0 seven-year notes] priced * *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.82 %] , and Xerox priced $ 150 million *U* of six-year notes *-2 to yield 8.85 % .
- Citicorp issued $ 200 million *U* of seven-year notes priced * *-1 to yield 8.82 % , and Xerox priced [ARG0 $ 150 million *U* of six-year notes] *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.85 %] .
- [ARG0 New Jersey Turnpike Authority 's 7.20 % issue of 2018] finished 1\/4 point stronger at 98 1\/2 bid , 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.32 %] .
- [ARG0 The Ginnie Mae 9 % issue] was [rel yielding] [ARG1 9.34 %] [ARGM-ADV to a 12-year average life assumption] , [ARGM-TMP as the spread above the Treasury 10-year note held at 1.46 percentage points] .
- [ARG0 West Germany 's 7 % issue due October 1999] rose 0.13 point to 99.93 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.01 %] , while the 6 3\/4 % issue due July 1994 rose 0.05 to 97.70 * to yield 7.33 % .
- West Germany 's 7 % issue due October 1999 rose 0.13 point to 99.93 * to yield 7.01 % , while [ARG0 the 6 3\/4 % issue due July 1994] rose 0.05 to 97.70 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.33 %] .
- [ARG0 Britain 's 11 3\/4 % Treasury bond due 2003\/2007] rose 17\/32 to 112 6\/32 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.05 %] , while the 12 % notes due 1995 rose 11\/32 to 104 2\/32 * to yield 10.93 % .
- Britain 's 11 3\/4 % Treasury bond due 2003\/2007 rose 17\/32 to 112 6\/32 * to yield 10.05 % , while [ARG0 the 12 % notes due 1995] rose 11\/32 to 104 2\/32 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.93 %] .
- [ARG0 The No. 111 4.6 % bond due 1998] ended on brokers ' screens at 95.22 , down 0.17 point , * to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.41 %] .
- Imo Industries Inc. -- $ 150 million *U* of [ARG0 senior subordinated debentures] due 2001 , priced * at par *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12 %] .
- [ARG0 Serial bonds] are priced *-1 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 to 7.10 %] [ARGM-TMP in 1999] .
- Credit Agricole -LRB- CNCA -RRB- -LRB- French -RRB- -- $ 250 million *U* of [ARG0 8 3\/4 % bonds] due Nov. 21 , 1994 , priced * at 101.80 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.77 %] [ARGM-TMP annually] less full fees , via IBJ International Ltd .
- Hokuriku Electric Power Co . -LRB- Japan -RRB- -- [ARG0 $ 200 million *U* of 8 7\/8 % bonds] due Nov. 20 , 1996 , priced * at 101 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.90 %] less full fees , via Yamaichi International -LRB- Europe -RRB- Ltd .
- International Finance Corp . -LRB- agency -RRB- -- 10 billion pesetas of [ARG0 11.6 % bonds] due Nov. 30 , 1994 , priced * at 101 5\/8 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 11.60 %] less full fees , via Citibank -LRB- Madrid -RRB- and Banco Espanol de Credito , Spain .
- Royal Bank of Canada , Grand Cayman branch -LRB- Canada -RRB- -- 100 million Canadian dollars of [ARG0 10 3\/4 % deposit notes due Nov. 30 , 1994] , priced * at 101 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.78 %] less full fees , via RBC Dominion Securities International Ltd .
- Union Bank of Finland -- 100 million Australian dollars of [ARG0 9 % bonds] due Nov. 9 , 1990 , priced * at 94 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 17.20 %] less full fees , via Banque Paribas Capital Markets Ltd .
- Ford Motor Credit -- $ 2.57 billion *U* of [ARG0 certificates backed * by automobile loans with a coupon rate of 8.70 %] , priced * at 99 19\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.903 %] through an underwriting group headed * by First Boston Corp .
- There are about $ 100 million *U* of [ARG0 7 % term bonds] due 2009 , priced * *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.30 % , which *T*-1 is the issue 's high yield] .
- There are also about $ 124 million *U* of [ARG0 6 1\/2 % bonds] priced * *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.25 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2012] ; about $ 97 million *U* of 6 % bonds priced * *-2 to yield 7.20 % in 2014 ; and about $ 26.5 million *U* of 5 % bonds priced * *-3 to yield 7.15 % in 2016 .
- There are also about $ 124 million *U* of 6 1\/2 % bonds priced * *-1 to yield 7.25 % in 2012 ; about $ 97 million *U* of [ARG0 6 % bonds] priced * *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.20 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2014] ; and about $ 26.5 million *U* of 5 % bonds priced * *-3 to yield 7.15 % in 2016 .
- There are also about $ 124 million *U* of 6 1\/2 % bonds priced * *-1 to yield 7.25 % in 2012 ; about $ 97 million *U* of 6 % bonds priced * *-2 to yield 7.20 % in 2014 ; and about $ 26.5 million *U* of [ARG0 5 % bonds] priced * *-3 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.15 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2016] .
- [ARG0 The issue] [rel yields] [ARG1 8.90 %] and carries a guarantee covering 9 % of the deal from the company .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year notes] were quoted *-1 late at 100 17\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.90 %] , compared with 100 3\/32 * to yield 7.97 % .
- The latest 10-year notes were quoted *-1 late at 100 17\/32 *-1 to yield 7.90 % , compared with 100 3\/32 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.97 %] .
- [ARG0 The latest two-year notes] were quoted *-1 late at 100 28\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.84 %] .
- In the junk bond market , [ARG0 Imo Industries ' issue of 12-year debentures , considered * to be one of the market 's high-quality credits ,] was priced *-1 at par *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12 %] .
- [ARG0 The Ginnie Mae 9 % issue] was [rel yielding] [ARG1 8.36 %] [ARGM-MNR to a 12-year average life assumption] , [ARGM-TMP as the spread above the Treasury 10-year note widened slightly to 1.46 percentage points] .
- [ARG0 The benchmark 7 % bond due October 1999] fell 0.20 point to 99.80 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.03 %] , while the 6 3\/4 % notes due July 1994 fell 0.10 to 97.65 *-2 to yield 7.34 % .
- The benchmark 7 % bond due October 1999 fell 0.20 point to 99.80 *-1 to yield 7.03 % , while [ARG0 the 6 3\/4 % notes due July 1994] fell 0.10 to 97.65 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.34 %] .
- [ARG0 The benchmark 11 3\/4 % Treasury bond due 2003\/2007] rose 1\/8 to 111 21\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.11 %] , while the 12 % issue of 1995 rose 3\/32 to 103 23\/32 *-2 to yield 11.01 % .
- The benchmark 11 3\/4 % Treasury bond due 2003\/2007 rose 1\/8 to 111 21\/32 *-1 to yield 10.11 % , while [ARG0 the 12 % issue of 1995] rose 3\/32 to 103 23\/32 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 11.01 %] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the talks] [rel yielded] [ARG1 `` nothing so advanced that we needed *-1 to make a public announcement about it] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- Ford and Saab officials declined *-2 to elaborate publicly on the announcement *ICH*-3 Friday that [ARG0 their negotiations] failed *-4 to [rel yield] [ARG1 an agreement `` that *T*-1 could make long-term business sense to both parties] . ''
- [ARG0 New York City 's 6 % bonds due 2018] , for example , were quoted *-1 late Friday at a price 0 *T*-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.80 %] , compared with 7.60 % Thursday .
- What *T*-1 had been a deteriorated area with nothing but wig shops and shoe shops is now experiencing a major upgrading in the housing and commercial stock , thanks to [ARG1 a continuously replenished source] of revitalization capital that [ARG0 Vermont-Slauson] [rel yields] *T*-2 . ''
- [ARGM-TMP When the size of the Refcorp offering was announced *-1 last week and when-issued trading activity began *T*-2] , [ARG0 the bailout bonds] were [rel yielding] [ARG1 about 1\/20 percentage point more than the Treasury 's benchmark 30-year bond] .
- Traders expect [ARG0 the issue] to be priced *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12 %] .
- After hours of negotiating that *T*-3 stretched late into Thursday night , underwriters priced [ARG0 the 12-year issue of resettable senior subordinated debentures] at par * to [rel yield] [ARG1 14.75 % , higher than the 14.5 % that *T*-2 had been expected *-1] .
- [ARG0 The 10 7\/8 % notes] were priced *-1 at 99.5 % *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.958 %] in an offering managed * by Bear , Stearns & Co. , Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. and Lazard Freres & Co. , the company said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 CDs] [rel yielding] [ARG1 40 %] are even more implausible -- especially when the issuing `` bank '' in the Marshall Islands is merely a mail drop watched * over by a local gas-station operator -- but investors fell for that one too .
- Digital said 0 [ARG0 a shift in its product mix toward low-end products and strong growth in workstation sales] [rel yielded] [ARG1 lower gross margins] .
- The fund could invest $ 87 *U* for one year in [ARG0 Treasury bills] [rel yielding] [ARG1 8 %] *-1 to return the guaranteed $ 95 *U* .
- [ARG0 The benchmark 30-year bond] was quoted *-1 late at a price of 101 25\/32 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.955 %] , compared with 100 29\/32 * to yield 8.032 % Wednesday .
- The benchmark 30-year bond was quoted *-1 late at a price of 101 25\/32 *-2 to yield 7.955 % , compared with 100 29\/32 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.032 %] Wednesday .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year notes] were quoted *-1 late at 100 9\/32 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.937 %] , compared with 99 26\/32 * to yield 8.007 % .
- The latest 10-year notes were quoted *-1 late at 100 9\/32 * to yield 7.937 % , compared with [ARG0 99 26\/32] * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.007 %] .
- [ARG0 New Jersey Turnpike Authority 's 7.20 % issue of 2018] was up 3\/8 at 98 3\/8 bid *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 about 7.32 % , down 0.03 percentage point] .
- [ARG0 The Ginnie Mae 9 % issue] was [rel yielding] [ARG1 9.42 %] [ARGM-MNR to a 12-year average life assumption] , [ARGM-ADV as the spread above the Treasury 10-year note widened 0.03 percentage point to 1.48] .
- [ARG0 The Treasury 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007] was down 2\/32 at 111 29\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.09 %] , while the 11 3\/4 % notes due 1991 were unchanged at 98 19\/32 *-2 to yield 12.94 % .
- The Treasury 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007 was down 2\/32 at 111 29\/32 *-1 to yield 10.09 % , while [ARG0 the 11 3\/4 % notes due 1991] were unchanged at 98 19\/32 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12.94 %] .
- In Japan , [ARG0 the bellwether No. 111 4.6 % bond of 1998] ended off 0.03 at 95.72 , *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.32 %] , and in West Germany , the 7 % benchmark issue due October 1999 ended 0.05 point lower at 99.85 *-2 to yield 7.02 % .
- In Japan , the bellwether No. 111 4.6 % bond of 1998 ended off 0.03 at 95.72 , *-1 to yield 5.32 % , and in West Germany , [ARG0 the 7 % benchmark issue due October 1999] ended 0.05 point lower at 99.85 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.02 %] .
- There are $ 9.76 million *U* of [ARG0 7 % term bonds] due 2003 , priced * at 99 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 about 7.03 %] .
- Sequa Corp. -- $ 150 million *U* of [ARG0 9 5\/8 % notes] due Oct. 15 , 1999 , priced * at 99.75 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.664 %] .
- European Investment Bank -LRB- agency -RRB- -- 200 billion lire of [ARG0 12 % bonds] due Nov. 16 , 1995 , priced * at 101 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12 % less full fees] , via lead manager Banco Commercial Italiana .
- IBM International Finance -LRB- U.S. parent -RRB- -- 125 million European currency units of 9 1\/8 % bonds due Nov. 10 , 1994 , priced [ARG0 *] at 101 5\/8 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.13 %] at the recommended reoffered price of par , [ARGM-MNR via Banque Paribas Capital Markets] .
- Societe Generale Australia Ltd . -LRB- French parent -RRB- -- 50 million Australian dollars of [ARG0 17 % bonds] due Nov. 20 , 1991 , priced * at 101.90 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 16.59 less fees] , via Westpac Banking Corp .
- [ARG0 Put option] on March 31 , 1992 , at a fixed 107 3\/4 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 3.5 %] .
- [ARG0 Put] on March 31 , 1992 , at an indicated 105 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 4.80 %] .
- Scandinavian Airlines System -LRB- Sweden -RRB- -- 100 million Swiss francs of [ARG0 6 1\/8 % bonds] due Nov. 24 , 1999 , priced * at 100 3\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 6.03 %] , via Union Bank of Switzerland .
- [ARG0 Serial bonds] were priced *-1 *-2 to [rel yield] to [ARG1-to 6.75 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2000] .
- 1 . To some extent the Federal Reserve shared the popular but incorrect view that [ARG0 expansionary monetary policy] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel yield] [ARG1 a net improvement in employment and output] .
- The Senate estimates that [ARG0 its version of the provision] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel yield] [ARG1 $ 17 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP the first year] and a total of $ 409 million *U* over five years .
- The Senate estimates that [ARG0 its version of the provision] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel yield] $ 17 million *U* the first year and [ARG1 a total of $ 409 million *U*] [ARGM-TMP over five years] .
- [ARG0 Most short-term certificates of deposit] are [rel yielding] [ARG1 about 8 % or less] [ARGM-LOC at major banks] , and the yields on Treasury bills sold * at Monday 's auction fell to 7.61 % for three months and 7.82 % for six months .
- [ARG0 $ 150 million *U* of 9 % depository receipts] due Nov. 27 , 1994 , priced * at 101.60 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.07 % less fees] , via Bankers Trust International Ltd .
- [ARG0 $ 100 million *U* of 8 5\/8 % bonds] due Nov. 1 , 1993 priced * at 101 1\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.74 %] [ARGM-TMP annually] less full fees , via Yamaichi International -LRB- Europe -RRB- Ltd .
- [ARG0 Put option on March 31 , 1992 , at an indicated 109] 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 3.865 %] .
- Shearson is offering the notes as [ARG0 6 3\/4 % securities] priced * *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 6.15 %] .
- [ARG0 Put option on March 31 , 1992 , at an indicated 108 1\/4] 0 *T*-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 3.846 %] .
- [ARG0 250 million Dutch guilders of 7 3\/4 % bonds] due Nov. 15 , 1999 , priced * at 101 1\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.57 % at issue price and 7.86 % less full fees] , via AMRO Bank .
- [ARG0 The benchmark 30-year bond] ended at a price of 100 29\/32 0 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.03 %] *T*-1 , compared with 100 28\/32 0 * to yield 8.04 % *T*-3 Tuesday .
- The benchmark 30-year bond ended at a price of 100 29\/32 0 * to yield 8.03 % *T*-1 , compared with 100 28\/32 [ARG0 0] * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.04 %] *T*-3 Tuesday .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year notes] were quoted *-1 late at a price of 99 26\/32 0 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8 %] *T*-2 , compared with 99 25\/32 0 * to yield 8.01 % *T*-3 .
- The latest 10-year notes were quoted *-1 late at a price of 99 26\/32 0 * to yield 8 % *T*-2 , compared with 99 25\/32 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.01 %] *T*-3 .
- In the four-part offering , [ARG0 the $ 71 million *U* of secured equipment certificates] was priced *-1 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 13.75 % to 15.75 %] .
- [ARG0 The Treasury 's 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007] fell 11\/32 to 111 31\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.08 %] , while the 12 % notes due 1995 were down 7\/32 to 103 22\/32 *-2 to yield 11.04 % .
- The Treasury 's 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007 fell 11\/32 to 111 31\/32 *-1 to yield 10.08 % , while [ARG0 the 12 % notes due 1995] were down 7\/32 to 103 22\/32 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 11.04 %] .
- [ARG0 Japan 's bellwether 4.6 % bond due 1998] ended on brokers ' screens at 95.75 0 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.315 %] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The government 's 7 % issue due October 1999] fell 0.05 point to 99.90 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.01 %] .
- The group is offering [ARG0 the notes] priced * as 6 3\/4 % securities *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 6.25 %] .
- [ARG0 The first part , consisting of $ 2 billion *U* of bonds due Oct. 1 , 2019 , with a five-year non-call provision ,] was priced *-1 as 8 3\/4 % securities at 96.808 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.06 %] .
- [ARG0 The second part , consisting of $ 1 billion *U* of noncallable bonds due Oct. 1 , 1999 ,] was priced *-1 as 8 3\/8 % securities at 99.691 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.42 %] .
- [ARG0 The third part , consisting of $ 1 billion *U* of noncallable bonds due Oct. 1 , 1994 ,] was priced *-1 as 8 1\/4 % securities at 99.672 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.33 %] .
- [ARG0 Serial bonds] were priced *-1 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 to 6.80 %] [ARGM-TMP in 1999] .
- There are about $ 10 million *U* of [ARG0 7 % bonds] priced * at 99 1\/4 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.081 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2004] ; about $ 15 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 98 1\/2 *-2 to yield 7.145 % in 2008 ; about $ 88.35 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 97 1\/4 *-3 to yield 7.227 % in 2018 ; and about $ 15 million *U* of 6 3\/4 % bonds priced * *-4 to yield 7.15 % in 2019 .
- There are about $ 10 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 99 1\/4 *-1 to yield 7.081 % in 2004 ; about $ 15 million *U* of [ARG0 7 % bonds] priced * at 98 1\/2 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.145 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2008] ; about $ 88.35 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 97 1\/4 *-3 to yield 7.227 % in 2018 ; and about $ 15 million *U* of 6 3\/4 % bonds priced * *-4 to yield 7.15 % in 2019 .
- There are about $ 10 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 99 1\/4 *-1 to yield 7.081 % in 2004 ; about $ 15 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 98 1\/2 *-2 to yield 7.145 % in 2008 ; about $ 88.35 million *U* of [ARG0 7 % bonds] priced * at 97 1\/4 *-3 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.227 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2018] ; and about $ 15 million *U* of 6 3\/4 % bonds priced * *-4 to yield 7.15 % in 2019 .
- There are about $ 10 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 99 1\/4 *-1 to yield 7.081 % in 2004 ; about $ 15 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 98 1\/2 *-2 to yield 7.145 % in 2008 ; about $ 88.35 million *U* of 7 % bonds priced * at 97 1\/4 *-3 to yield 7.227 % in 2018 ; and about $ 15 million *U* of [ARG0 6 3\/4 % bonds] priced * *-4 to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.15 %] [ARGM-TMP in 2019] .
- The Office of Finance of the Federal Home Loan Banks said 0 it priced a four-part $ 2.27 billion *U* bond offering 0 for [ARG0 the banks] to [rel yield] [ARG1 from 8.125 % to 8.375 % *U*] .
- [ARG0 The benchmark 30-year bond] was quoted *-1 late at 100 28\/32 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.04 %] , compared with 101 19\/32 * to yield 7.97 % Monday .
- The benchmark 30-year bond was quoted *-1 late at 100 28\/32 * to yield 8.04 % , compared with 101 19\/32 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.97 %] [ARGM-TMP Monday] .
- [ARG0 The latest 10-year notes] were quoted *-1 late at 99 25\/32 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.01 %] , compared with 100 1\/32 * to yield 7.97 % .
- The latest 10-year notes were quoted *-1 late at 99 25\/32 * to yield 8.01 % , compared with 100 1\/32 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.97 %] .
- TVA offered $ 2 billion *U* of [ARG0 30-year bonds] priced * to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.06 %] ; $ 1 billion *U* in 10-year notes priced * to yield 8.42 % ; and $ 1 billion *U* in five-year notes priced * to yield 8.33 % .
- TVA offered $ 2 billion *U* of 30-year bonds priced * to yield 9.06 % ; $ 1 billion *U* in [ARG0 10-year notes] priced * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.42 %] ; and $ 1 billion *U* in five-year notes priced * to yield 8.33 % .
- TVA offered $ 2 billion *U* of 30-year bonds priced * to yield 9.06 % ; $ 1 billion *U* in 10-year notes priced * to yield 8.42 % ; and $ 1 billion *U* in [ARG0 five-year notes] priced * to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.33 %] .
- Meanwhile , Lockheed Corp. priced [ARG0 a $ 300 million *U* note offering] * to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.39 %] .
- [ARG0 The Ginnie Mae 9 % issue] was [rel yielding] [ARG1 9.43 %] [ARGM-MNR to a 12-year average life assumption] , [ARGM-ADV as the spread above the Treasury 10-year note held at 1.42 percentage points] .
- [ARG0 The 6 3\/4 % notes] [rel yield] [ARG1 6.25 %] .
- [ARG0 West Germany 's 7 % bond due October 1999] was at 99.95 late yesterday , off 0.10 point from Monday , * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.01 %] .
- [ARG0 The 6 3\/4 % notes due April 1994] were up 0.10 point to 97.85 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.31 %] .
- [ARG0 The Treasury 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007] rose 23\/32 to 112 10\/32 * to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.03 %] .
- [ARG0 The benchmark No. 111 4.6 % bond due 1998] ended on brokers ' screens at a price of 96 , off 0.15 point * to [rel yield] [ARG1 5.27 %] .
- The government currently is subsidizing an estimated 23,000 loans above 11 % under the 235 program , and however disruptive to private investors , [ARG0 the refinancing] is expected *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 at least $ 15 million *U* in savings] [ARGM-TMP in fiscal 1990] .
- [ARG0 Six-month CDs of $ 50,000 *U* and less] [rel yielded] [ARG1 an average 8.02 %] [ARGM-TMP in the week ended Tuesday] , [ARGM-ADV down from 8.10 %] , [ARGM-ADV according to Banxquote] .
- The latest 10-year notes were quoted *-1 late at 100 3\/32 for a yield of 7.97 % , compared with 101 9\/32 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel yield] [ARG1 7.84 %] *T*-2 .
- -- [ARG0 West Germany 's 6 3\/4 % issue due June 1999] ended at 98.30 , up 0.91 point *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 6.99 %] .
- -- [ARG0 Britain 's 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007] ended 1 1\/8 higher at 111 19\/32 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.12 %] , while the 11 3\/4 % notes due 1991 rose 21\/32 to 98 26\/32 *-2 to yield 12.74 % .
- -- Britain 's 11 3\/4 % bond due 2003\/2007 ended 1 1\/8 higher at 111 19\/32 *-1 to yield 10.12 % , while [ARG0 the 11 3\/4 % notes due 1991] rose 21\/32 to 98 26\/32 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 12.74 %] .
- [ARGM-TMP Late yesterday] [ARG0 Ginnie Mae 9 % securities] were [rel yielding] [ARG1 9.39 %] [ARGM-MNR to a 12-year average life assumption] , [ARGM-ADV as the spread above the Treasury 10-year note narrowed 0.01 percentage point to 1.42] .
- [ARG0 New Jersey Turnpike Authority 's 7.20 % issue of 2018] was off 3\/4 at 98 1\/2 bid , *-1 [rel yielding] [ARG1 7.32 %] , [ARGM-ADV up 0.07 percentage point from late Friday] .
- Freddie Mac said 0 [ARG0 the principal-only securities] were priced *-1 at 58 1\/4 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 8.45 %] , assuming an average life of eight years and a prepayment of 160 % of the PSA model .
- [ARG0 The interest-only securities] were priced *-1 at 35 1\/2 *-2 to [rel yield] [ARG1 10.72 %] .
- [ARG0 $ 150 million *U* of 9 % debentures] due Oct. 15 , 2019 , priced * at 99.943 *-1 to [rel yield] [ARG1 9.008 %] .
- [ARG0 The Ginnie Mae November 9 % issue] ended at 98 25\/32 , up 7\/8 point on the day , * to [rel yield] [ARG1 about 9.28 %] [ARGM-MNR to a 12-year average life assumption] .