frames- [ARGM-TMP Since the spill last March] , [ARG0 Exxon and the state] have been [rel wrangling] over [ARG2-over whether * spraying dispersant on the oil in the first hours after the spill , when the weather was clear and calm , would have helped *-1 limit the environmental damage] .
- [ARG0 Pinnacle West Capital Corp.] , which *T*-1 has been [rel wrangling] with [ARG1-with regulators] [ARGM-TMP for months] over [ARG2-over what * to do *T*-2 about Pinnacle 's moribund Merabank thrift unit] , suspended its dividend and reported a 91 % plunge in third-quarter net income .
- The action at the Communist Party daily , viewed * as the Soviet Union 's most authoritative newspaper , was considered *-1 the most significant development in a week of [ARG0 Kremlin] [rel wrangling] over [ARG2-over the press] , including sharp criticism from Gorbachev .