frames- [ARGM-DIS In any case] , says 0 *T*-1 Dr. Minna of the National Cancer Institute , `` [ARG0 We] 're [rel witnessing] [ARG1 the discovery of one of the most important steps in the genesis of cancer] .
- Before your next California-bashing editorial , please [ARG0 *] spend more time out here *-2 [rel witnessing] [ARG1 the situation] -- it just may change your view .
- American journalist William L. Shirer , in his book `` The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich , '' wrote of how [ARGM-LOC in Vienna] [ARG0 he] had [rel witnessed] [ARG1 `` squads of -LCB- Nazi -RCB- SS men carting off silver , tapestries , paintings and other loot from the Rothschild palace] *T*-2 . ''
- -LRB- In other words , after some highly visible dithering and public airing of differences , the administration has come down on the side of those who [ARG1 *T*-2] believe that what [ARG0 we] are [rel witnessing] *T*-3 [ARGM-LOC from Berlin to Siberia] is a good thing 0 *T*-4 to be welcomed *-1 , rather than a new thing 0 *T*-5 to be feared *-6 or viewed *-6 with suspicion . -RRB-
- [ARG0 *] [rel Witness] [ARG1 the Walsh prosecution of Ollie North] .
- He adds : `` [ARG0 We] are [ARGM-TMP now] [rel witnessing] [ARG1 a slowdown which , if history is a guide , *T*-1 could persist for a while] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 we] are , [ARGM-DIS in reality] , [rel witnessing] [ARG1 the continuing decline of the political economy of capitalism : not so much the end of history but the history of the end] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Witness] [ARG1 the fact that trading in some stocks closed early Friday and opened late Monday because of an excess of sell orders] . -RRB-
- He adds : `` [ARG0 The junk market] has [rel witnessed] [ARG1 some trouble] and now some people think that if the equity market gets creamed *-1 that means 0 the economy will be terrible and that 's bad for junk .