frames- The prevailing interpretation of the clause on Capitol Hill is that [ARG0 it] gives Congress an omnipresent veto over every conceivable action of the president through the ability * to [rel withhold] [ARG1 funding] .
- Prices closed mostly higher in relatively light trading as [ARG0 farmers] continued *-1 to [rel withhold] [ARG1 their crops] from [ARG2-from the marketplace] [ARGM-PNC in the hope of higher prices 0 *T*-2 to come] .
- [ARG0 Mr. da Silva , a 43-year-old former factory worker and labor leader ,] is the most radical , *-1 vowing *-2 to [rel withhold] [ARG1 payments on the foreign debt] and saying 0 he `` would n't go around *-3 putting the country up for sale to the highest bidder . ''
- One Board member , Bronx Borough President Ferdinand Ferrer , was said *-1 to be so impatient with Mr. Dinkins 's behavior at many meetings that [ARG0 he] [rel withheld] [ARG1 his support for Mr. Dinkins 's mayoral effort] [ARGM-TMP until late in the primary campaign] .
- The final B-2 agreement is certain *-1 to require detailed testing and verification of the bomber 's capabilities , but congressional aides said 0 the accord wo n't include [ARG0 a House-passed provision] that *T*-3 [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel withheld] [ARG1 production funds] [ARGM-TMP until Congress approves a cheaper , scaled-down version of the $ 70 billion *U* fleet of 132 B-2s envisioned * by the Pentagon] .
- The designer 's attorney , Molly Bartholow , said that Ms. Garratt was forced *-1 to start bankruptcy-law proceedings because [ARG0 Jerell] began *-2 [rel withholding] [ARG1 her royalty payments] [ARGM-TMP last month] .
- We 've heard California 's property-tax-cutting Proposition 13 blamed for a lot over the years , but ABC 's Ted Koppel came up with a new wrinkle in his earthquake coverage last week when he asked Democratic Assemblyman Richard Katz if [ARG0 Prop. 13] had [rel withheld] [ARG1 money needed * for road maintenance] *T*-1 .
- The first GAF trial ended in a mistrial after four weeks when U.S. District Judge Mary Johnson Lowe found that [ARG0 a prosecutor] [ARGM-MNR improperly , but unintentionally ,] [rel withheld] [ARG1 a document] *T*-1 .
- In Honduras , where the Contras are a hot political issue , he promised *-1 to help unblock [ARG1 some $ 70 million *U*] in assistance [rel withheld] * [ARGM-CAU due to the failure *ICH*-2 of local agencies * to comply with conditions agreed upon * with Washington] .
- Extensions ca n't be granted *-1 for * filing employment-tax returns due Oct. 31 or for * depositing [rel withheld] [ARG1 taxes] , but late penalties will be abated *-2 for deposits made * by Nov. 15 .
- [ARG1 A portion of the report containing names of the middlemen] is [rel withheld] *-1 by [ARG0-by officials 0 *T*-2 citing bank secrecy requirements] .
- The Hindu newspaper publishes the [rel withheld] [ARG1 portion] of the Swedish National Audit Bureau 's report .
- The Merc said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Roberts] [rel withheld] from [ARG2-from the market] [ARG1 certain orders] [ARGM-MNR in cooperation with another trader , David Stein] .
- The group said 0 [ARG0 it] would consider , among other things , * [rel withholding] [ARG1 royalty payments] and initiating a class-action lawsuit seeking court approval for the withholdings .
- -- [rel Withhold] [ARG1 income taxes] from [ARG2-from the paychecks of certain farm workers currently exempt from withholding] .
- Indeed , *-1 concerned that [ARG0 Sony sales personnel] were threatening legal action or other retaliation -- such as * [rel withholding] [ARG1 desirable Sony products] -- against Justin 's customers , Mr. Baxley fired off a letter to Sony in April .