frames- Along the way , he meets a solicitous Christian chauffeur who *T*-55 offers the hero God 's phone number ; and the Sheep Man , [ARG0 a sweet , roughhewn figure] who *T*-56 [rel wears] [ARGM-DIS -- what else --] [ARG1 a sheepskin] .
- But other than the fact that besuboru is played *-1 with a ball and a bat , it 's unrecognizable : Fans politely return foul balls to stadium ushers ; the strike zone expands depending on the size of the hitter ; ties are permitted *-2 -- even welcomed *-2 -- since they honorably sidestep the shame of defeat ; players must abide by strict rules of conduct even in their personal lives -- [ARG0 players for the Tokyo Giants] [ARGM-DIS , for example ,] [ARGM-MOD must] [ARGM-TMP always] [rel wear] [ARG1 ties] [ARGM-TMP when on the road] .
- `` You bet attention , '' I yelled back *T*-2 , *-1 leaping atop the propane tanks , `` [ARG0 I] 'm [rel wearing] [ARG1 alligator loafers] ! ''
- One secretary testified that [ARG0 the judge] once called her to his office while *-1 [rel wearing] [ARG1 nothing at all] .
- [ARG0 Employees] [rel wore] [ARG1 identification badges listing not only their names but also their dates of hire] .
- But [ARG0 they] do [ARGM-NEG n't] careen around in an old Cadillac , [rel wear] [ARG1 funny suits] or blast away at slimy spirits .
- [ARG0 Mr. Baker] drives a 1987 Chevy and [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel wears] [ARG1 a tweed jacket] [ARGM-LOC on his ghostbusting forays] .
- Your Oct. 4 front page noted that [ARG0 British lawyers] have *-2 to [rel wear] [ARG1 wigs] [ARGM-LOC in court] and that these wigs are made *-1 from horses ' tails .
- The resulting haunted house tends *-1 to reward followership , not leadership , it creates guilt about [ARG0 *] [rel wearing] [ARG1 the uniform] , and raises doubt about * having the will * to fulfill the ghosts ' role , i.e. , * to be able *-2 to win if * called on *-3 .
- '' Or the one in which she and Josh are stranded *-1 in the city *T*-3 , and , after *-2 insisting on separate motel rooms , [ARG0 she] knocks on his door *-2 to pour out her feelings about the rape -- *-2 [rel wearing] [ARG1 nothing but a mini-slip and a push-up bra] *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-LOC In the stands] , [ARG0 people] waved ANC flags , [rel wore] [ARG1 ANC T-shirts] , sang ANC songs and chanted ANC slogans .
- `` *-5 Think 0 I 'll redo my image -- get this changed *-4 to a glove , '' quipped *T*-1 the big first baseman Saturday night , *-2 fingering [ARG1 the gold bat] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel wears] *T*-3 [ARGM-MNR on a neck chain] .
- [ARG0 The actors] [rel wear] [ARG1 pained expressions] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to indicate their genuine longing for a little one] -- or maybe they 're not-so-subtly commenting on the inadequacy of the script , and Jonathan Kaplan 's -LRB- `` The Accused '' -RRB- dull direction .
- For years , [ARG0 he] quietly stuck to the back accounting rooms , *-1 [rel wearing] [ARG1 a hat] [ARGM-ADV to work] [ARGM-CAU because everyone else did *?*] .
- I wish 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel wear] [ARG1 lifts] [ARGM-LOC in his voice] .
- The guide is young and he knows this business but [ARG0 he] wants a different life after college , such as * working for IBM and [rel wearing] [ARG1 a necktie] .
- [ARG0 The Free French] [rel wore] [ARG1 black arm bands] , and when she sang `` J'ai deux amours '' *T*-1 they wept .
- However , [ARG0 she] remembers the lean years and recalls with relish *-1 [rel wearing] [ARG1 her first major American purchase -- that turban] [ARGM-TMP 10 years later] and having a Los Angeles boutique owner ask her if it was a Chanel .
- [ARG0 I] used *-1 to [rel wear] [ARG1 hats] [ARGM-LOC in Russia] , but I had *-2 to make them and my dresses .
- `` [ARG0 I] emigrated *-1 to [rel wear] [ARG1 better hats] , do better parties , '' she said *T*-2 with a giggle .
- `` I was having a drink in Sardi 's , when [ARGM-TMP all of a sudden] I saw a woman 's backside coming up the steps on the second floor and [ARG0 she] was [rel wearing] [ARG1 sequined slacks] *T*-1 .
- Although [ARG0 working women] are `` forced *-1 to [rel wear] [ARG1 the uniform of the day] , *-2 to retain their femininity they are buying better quality , more upscale intimate apparel , '' he said *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Risk] [rel wears] [ARG1 many disguises] , and investments that *T*-1 are low in one type of obvious risk can be distressingly high in other , less obvious kinds .
- [ARG0 *T*-1] [rel Wearing] [ARG1 a business suit and western-style hat and boots] , he opened up his briefcase and dumped $ 1 million *U* in cash on a table in front of the directors , says 0 *T*-2 Myron Diebel , the bank 's president .
- `` The trappings of success *ICH*-1 go a long way -- [ARG0 *] [rel wearing] [ARG1 the right clothes] , doing the right things , '' says *T*-2 Paul Andreassen , an associate professor of psychology at Harvard .
- For instance , salesmen may counter a man 's objection that he wants *-2 to discuss an investment with his wife by *-3 asking , `` [ARG0 Who] *T*-1 [rel wears] [ARG1 the pants] [ARGM-LOC in your family] ? ''
- With [ARG1 only the clothes] 0 [ARG0 they] were [rel wearing] *T*-1 , family members moved to a home owned * by one of Mr. Chan 's sons .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 A security guard at a cargo terminal] , [ARG0 he] [rel wears] [ARG1 a Sons of Italy jacket and cap celebrating `` The US 1 Band] . ''
- I fell *-1 asleep on the lobby floor , next to [ARG0 a man] [rel wearing] [ARG1 a Chicago Cubs jacket] .
- `` All too often this will merely be a statement on the solicitation such as , ` * Do n't smoke ! ' or ` [ARG0 *] [rel Wear] [ARG1 suntan lotion] , ' `` says *T*-1 William Webster , attorney general of Missouri .
- For example , the iced-tea radio campaign for Thomas J. Lipton Co. , an Englewood Cliffs , N.J. , unit of Anglo-Dutch Unilever Group , emphatically proclaims : `` [ARG0 Real Texans] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel wear] [ARG1 dock-siders] -- [ARGM-TMP ever] .
- [ARG0 An ebullient Mr. Johnson] , *-1 [rel wearing] [ARG1 a NASA baseball cap] and carrying a camera and binoculars , called the launch `` fantastic . ''
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Unamused] , [ARG0 residents] burned Rand McNally books and [rel wore] [ARG1 T-shirts that *T*-1 said : `` * Kiss my Atlas] . ''
- Though Ms. Pfeiffer has the flashy part -- [ARG0 she] gets the best comic bits and *-1 to [rel wear] [ARG1 glamorous dresses] and spiked heels the boys are pretty great , too .
- [ARG0 They] [rel wear] [ARG1 tuxedos] [ARGM-TMP most nights] , [ARGM-ADV unless circumstances -LRB- a regular gig at a `` tropical '' lounge , for example -RRB- require them to wear special costumes , like Hawaiian shirts] .
- They wear tuxedos most nights , unless circumstances -LRB- a regular gig at a `` tropical '' lounge , for example -RRB- require [ARG0 them] to [rel wear] [ARG1 special costumes , like Hawaiian shirts] .
- [ARGM-TMP On his off-hours] [ARG0 he] [rel wears] [ARG1 cardigan sweaters] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP In the past] , [ARG0 you] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel wore] [ARG1 Fruit of the Loom] and did n't care , '' says *T*-1 Peter Kim , U.S. director of consumer behavior research for the J. Walter Thompson ad agency .
- With one she is pregnant , with Major Battle she is knitting an American flag , and as the vice president 's wife [ARG0 she] rushes in with white hair , *-1 [rel wearing] [ARG1 a tailored suit and pearls] , [ARGM-PNC *-1 imitating Barbara Bush 's gestures down to the last detail] .
- Rep. Bill McCollum -LRB- R. , Fla. -RRB- reports that these included [ARG0 20,000 to 30,000 Soviet Central Asian KGB Border Guards] , ethnically indistinguishable from Afghans and [rel wearing] [ARG1 unmarked uniforms] .
- [ARG0 Sotheby 's] , she says 0 *T*-1 , is `` [rel wearing] [ARG1 both hats] . ''
- In 1983 [ARG1 `` extended wear '' versions] , designed * to be [rel worn] *-1 [ARGM-TMP for 30 days at a time] , wree offered *-2 .
- Last month the FDA and Contact Lens Institute cautioned [ARG0 users] that serious eye infections could result from * [rel wearing] [ARG1 lenses] [ARGM-TMP more than seven days at a stretch] .
- `` [ARG0 I] pull my hair back , [rel wear] [ARG1 a little makeup] and look corporate , '' says *T*-2 Ms. Byler , who *T*-1 has been visiting Emerson since January .
- [ARG0 A few folks] even showed up *-1 [rel wearing] [ARG1 caps bearing the colors and emblems of both teams] .
- And even if a nurse would wear flowers in her hair while *-1 on duty , if she were engaged [ARG0 she] would know *-2 to [rel wear] [ARG1 them] [ARGM-LOC behind her left , not right , ear] .
- And even if [ARG0 a nurse] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel wear] [ARG1 flowers] [ARGM-LOC in her hair] [ARGM-TMP while *-1 on duty] , if she were engaged she would know *-2 to wear them behind her left , not right , ear .
- [ARGM-ADV Yuppily enough] , [ARG0 he] lives in a lavishly furnished converted church , [rel wears] [ARG1 designer clothes] and drives an antique car .