frames- `` [ARG0 The -LCB- National Energy Board -RCB- approval of the exports] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel waved] [ARG1 the starting flag for the next stage , the rush * to build facilities 0 *T*-1 to transport the gas] , '' said *T*-2 Bill Koerner , an analyst with Brady & Berliner , a Washington , D.C. , law firm .
- [ARGM-LOC In the stands] , [ARG0 people] [rel waved] [ARG1 ANC flags] , wore ANC T-shirts , sang ANC songs and chanted ANC slogans .
- `` Prime Time Live , '' a new show this season featuring Sam Donaldson and Diane Sawyer , has [ARG0 a studio audience] that *T*-1 applauds and that [ARGM-TMP one night] [ARGM-ADV -LRB- to the embarrassment of the network -RRB-] *T*-2 [rel waved] at [ARG2-at the camera] [ARGM-MNR like the crowd on `` * Let 's Make a Deal] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP Right now] , [ARG0 Mr. Hulings] is [rel waving] [ARG1 his racing program] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 cheering for Karnak on the Nile , a sleek thoroughbred galloping down the home stretch] .
- Mr. Houston-Montgomery says that [ARGM-LOC at the party] [ARG0 he] [rel waved] to [ARG2-to Malcolm Forbes , publisher of Forbes magazine -LRB- `` We've been in the columns together '' -RRB- , Mary Boone , a New York art dealer -LRB- `` I think 0 she knows me , but I 'm not sure '' -RRB- and Bridget Fonda , the actress -LRB- `` She knows me , but we 're not really the best of friends '' -RRB-] .
- Worst part was watching [ARG1 power lines] [rel waving] [ARGM-LOC above my head] and no way 0 * to drive away *T*-1 .
- Then as things got rougher , we ran for the door and spent the next few minutes outside *-1 watching the brick sidewalk under our feet oozing up and down , and [ARG1 the flowers] [rel waving] [ARGM-MNR in an eerie rhythm] .