frames- Not unexpectedly , [ARG0 wives] , whether *-1 working or non-working , did by far the most -- about 80 % of the shopping , laundry and cooking , and about two-thirds of housecleaning , * [rel washing] [ARG1 dishes] , child care and family paper work .
- Investors interpreted the KKR move as [ARG0 a desire *ICH*-1] by the firm * to [rel wash] [ARG3 its hands] of [ARG1-of SCI TV] .
- [ARGM-TMP Three days later] , [ARGM-TMP before the new embryo had become implanted *-2 in the uterus] , [ARG1 it] was [rel washed] *-1 out of [ARG3-of the mother mouse] .
- We know that very early exposure to schooling improves performance in the first grade , but afterward [ARG1 the difference] is [ARGM-MNR quickly] [rel washed] *-1 [ARG4 away] .
- [ARG0 British Airways PLC , a crucial participant in the proposed buy-out of UAL Corp. ,] [rel washed] [ARG3 its hands] of [ARG1-of the current efforts * to revive a bid for the parent of United Airlines] .
- [ARG0 White women] serve tea and coffee , and [ARGM-TMP then] [rel wash] [ARG1 the cups and saucers] [ARGM-TMP afterwards] .
- [ARG0 The U.S.] is in the habit of * arranging peace settlements and [ARGM-TMP then] [rel washing] [ARG1 its hands] [ARGM-CAU over the tragic results] .