frames- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 interest] [rel waned] [ARGM-TMP as the day wore on and investors looked ahead to the release later this week of two important economic reports] .
- But if the Japanese return in force , their financial might could compensate to some extent for local investors ' [rel waning] [ARG1 commitment] .
- While Seita retains a manufacturing monopoly in France , it is being hurt *-1 by rising imports and from [rel waning] [ARG1 cigarette] demand .
- `` As that wanes , you 're going *-1 to see [ARG1 the stocks] [ARGM-ADV probably] [rel wane] [ARGM-DIS as well] , '' he says *T*-2 .
- `` As [ARG1 that] [rel wanes] , you 're going *-1 to see the stocks probably wane as well , '' he says *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 COOPERATION] *ICH*-1 [rel WANES] on weapons development between the U.S. and Europe .