frames- `` The administration should now state that if [ARG1 the -LCB- February -RCB- election] is [rel voided] *-1 by [ARG0-by the Sandinistas] ... they should call for military aid , '' said *T*-2 former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams .
- In addition to * undermining arguments in favor of * ending Contra aid , Mr. Ortega 's remarks also played to the suspicions of some U.S. officials and conservatives outside the government that [ARG0 he] is searching for [ARGM-MNR ways] 0 * to manipulate or [rel void] [ARG1 the February elections] *T*-1 .
- Many funds allow [ARG0 investors] to [rel void] [ARG1 orders] [ARGM-TMP before the close of trading] .