frames- [ARG0 The Bush administration] has threatened *-1 to [rel veto] [ARG1 such a bill] because of what it views *T*-2 as an undesirable intrusion into the affairs of industry , but the 300-113 vote suggests that supporters have the potential 0 * to override a veto *T*-3 .
- During the coming weeks , [ARG0 President Bush] must decide whether * to [rel veto] [ARG1 the bills containing them] -- or , alternatively , * to sign these bills into law with a statement declaring their intrusions on executive power to be in violation of Article II , and thus void and severable .
- [ARG0 President Bush] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel veto] [ARG1 appropriations acts that *T*-1 contain these kinds of unconstitutional conditions on the president 's ability * to discharge his duties and exercise his prerogatives] .
- A line-item veto is a procedure that *T*-1 would allow [ARG0 a president] to [rel veto] [ARG1 part of a big congressional spending bill] [ARGM-ADV without *-2 having *-3 to scuttle the entire measure] .
- The two professors said 0 the Constitution authorizes [ARG0 the president] to [rel veto] [ARG1 entire bills , not partial measures] .
- [ARG0 President Bush] [ARGM-TMP in June] [rel vetoed] [ARG1 a measure passed * by Congress] and said 0 he would n't accept any minimum-wage rise that *T*-121 went beyond limits 0 he set *T*-2 early in this year 's debate on the issue .
- [ARG1 The bill] [rel vetoed] * by [ARG0 the president] [ARGM-TMP in June] , which the House failed *-1 to override *T*-2 , would have lifted the minimum wage to $ 4.55 *U* an hour by late 1991 , with a training wage for up to two months , generally for a worker 's first job .
- The president also hinted 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel veto] [ARG1 this year 's intelligence authorization bill] [ARGM-ADV if it is too restrictive] .
- [ARG1 Those bills] ca n't [ARGM-MNR easily] be [rel vetoed] *-1 [ARGM-MNR in their entirety] [ARGM-CAU because they often are needed *-2 to keep the government operating] .
- This clause , they argue 0 *T*-1 , is designed *-2 *-3 to go beyond an earlier clause specifying that [ARG0 the president] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel veto] [ARG1 a `` bill] , '' and is broad enough * to allow him to strike out items and riders within bills .
- It 's the line-item veto , a procedure that *T*-1 would allow [ARG0 the president] to kill individual items in a big spending bill passed * by Congress without *-2 [rel vetoing] [ARG1 the entire bill] .
- It will probably be attached *-1 to [ARG1 a State Department authorization bill] , which [ARG0 Mr. Bush] is n't expected *-3 to [rel veto] *T*-2 .
- Article I , Section 7 , Clause 3 says that whether it 's called *-1 an `` order , resolution or vote '' or anything else , [ARG0 Presidents] must have the chance * to [rel veto] .
- [ARG0 President Reagan] [rel vetoed] [ARG1 this] as [ARG2-as a First Amendment violation] .
- The standoff over abortion is certain *-1 to contribute to further delays and , apart from [ARG1 the health and education measure] [rel vetoed] * by [ARG0 Mr. Bush] , bills funding the District of Columbia and the entire U.S. foreign-aid budget are in jeopardy because of related abortion or family-planning issues .
- Just a month ago , [ARG0 Mr. Bush] sternly threatened *-1 to [rel veto] [ARG1 a pending welfare bill] [ARGM-ADV if it provided any abortion funds , except * to save a woman 's life] .
- `` I do not support federal funding for abortions except where the mother 's life is threatened *-1 *T*-2 , '' [ARG0 he] proclaimed *T*-3 , and [ARGM-MNR finally] [rel vetoed] [ARG1 the measure] [ARGM-TMP last weekend] .
- The Illinois Legislature narrowly passed [ARG1 a parental-leave bill] , which [ARG0 Gov. James Thompson] [rel vetoed] *T*-1 , and Iowa and Tennessee amended laws 0 *T*-2 to require that employers pay for breast-cancer exams .
- It does n't give [ARG0 any particular group] the ability * to [rel veto] [ARG1 change] . ''
- After the vote , Connecticut Rep. Nancy Johnson rounded up nearly as many signatures on a letter to Mr. Bush urging [ARG0 him] *T*-1 [ARGM-NEG not] to [rel veto] .
- Congress would have 20 days 0 * to reject the package with a 50 % majority *T*-1 , but [ARGM-DIS then] [ARG0 a President] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel veto] [ARG1 that rejection] .
- Transportation Secretary Samuel Skinner , in a letter to the committee , warned that he would urge [ARG0 President Bush] *-1 to [rel veto] [ARG1 the legislation] if it passed Congress .
- But [ARG0 President Bush] is expected *-1 to [rel veto] [ARG1 the congressional legislation] and that , along with the easy approval of the Pennsylvania measure , is likely *-2 to mute the abortion-rights activists ' claims of momentum and underline the challenges faced * by this resurgent movement .
- But Secretary Skinner said 0 he would urge [ARG0 Bush] *-1 to [rel veto] [ARG1 the bill] .
- It could throw in the towel and hope *-2 to win on capital gains late this month , or it could follow [ARG0 the White House strategy] , * to [rel veto] [ARG1 reconciliation] [ARGM-ADV unless capital gains was appended *-1] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Miller] [rel vetoed] [ARG1 that] : `` Even I ca n't understand all the footnotes , '' he says *T*-1 .
- The same issue threatens *-2 to spill over to the foreign aid debate , and [ARG0 Mr. Bush] also is threatening *-3 to [rel veto] [ARG1 any agreement that *T*-1 preserves Senate-passed provisions renewing U.S. support for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities] .
- `` As a result of your ultimatum , '' writes *T*-2 the Wisconsin Democrat , `` I guess 0 there is no longer any point in * taking administration views into account on other items in conference , inasmuch regardless of their resolution [ARG0 you] apparently intend *-1 to [rel veto] [ARG1 this bill] .
- And just last week , Defense Secretary Dick Cheney gave a strong speech listing `` compelling reasons '' 0 * to push ahead with SDI *T*-1 and saying 0 he 'd urge [ARG0 President Bush] *-2 to [rel veto] [ARG1 a defense bill with `` inadequate '' funding for the program] .
- [ARG0 President Bush] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel veto] [ARG1 a bill funding the Departments of Labor , Education and Health and Human Services] [ARGM-CAU because it would allow federal funding of abortions for victims of rape and incest] , the White House said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Bush] vowed *-1 to [rel veto] [ARG1 a bill allowing federal financing for abortions in cases of rape and incest] , *-1 saying 0 tax dollars should n't be used *-2 * to `` compound a violent act with the taking of an unborn life . ''
- He also argued that the high court was wrong in 1976 * to rule that minors have [ARG1 a right to abortion] that *T*-2 ca n't be [ARGM-MNR absolutely] [rel vetoed] *-1 by [ARG0-by their parents] .