frames- This is the year : Unsuspecting filers of 1988 personal returns are being picked randomly for thorough audits * to help [ARG0 the IRS] [rel update] [ARG1 its criteria for enforcement , audit selection , and use of resources] .
- The Toronto-based company , together with Tenneco Inc. of Houston , has had [ARG1 an incomplete proposal filed * with Canadian regulators *ICH*-2] since 1984 that [ARG0 it] is [ARGM-TMP now] [rel updating] *T*-1 .
- The [rel updated] [ARG1 forecast] , published * Aug. 25 , compares with an earlier forecast of 6 % published * March 1 and a 7.4 % rate achieved * in
- Industry watchers agree that [ARG0 Brooks Brothers] is long overdue in *-2 [rel updating] [ARG1 its buttoned-down image , which *T*-1 has stunted its growth] .
- Many clothiers , especially Ralph Lauren , have cashed in on the recent popularity of [rel updated] [ARG1 Ivy League and English] styles .
- *-2 Departing from its newspaper ads featuring prim sketches of a suit or a coat , Brooks Brothers is marketing an [rel updated] [ARG1 image] in a new campaign that *T*-1 carries the slogan , `` The Surprise of Brooks Brothers . ''
- [ARG0 Batch processing] is the high-volume , single-job data processing that most mainframes typically chug through *T*-1 at night , such as * [rel updating] [ARG1 accounts] [ARGM-LOC at banks] .
- Wessels & Pautsch , a small St. Charles law firm , plans *-1 to mail 500 customers a list of its lawyers ' new phone and fax numbers as well as [rel updated] [ARG1 Rolodex] cards .
- The almanac will be making new friends and enemies on Oct. 27 , when an [rel updated] [ARG1 version] will be released *-1 *T*-2 .