frames- [ARGM-DIS In fact] , [ARG1 the earnings report] [rel unfolded] [ARGM-TMP as representatives of the world 's No. 1 jet maker and the striking Machinists union came back to the negotiating table for their first meeting in two weeks] .
- [ARG1 The story of a playwright 's stage debut] [rel unfolds] [ARGM-LOC in first-person monologues] , [ARGM-MNR in the manner of Faulkner 's `` The Sound and the Fury] . ''
- * Let the president demand strict new ethics rules : With four sitting House members accused * of sexual misdeeds , amid the [rel unfolding] [ARG1 HUD] scandal and after the Wright debacle , `` people are slightly dulled *-2 by scandal , '' says 0 *T*-1 political humorist Art Buchwald .
- [ARG1 One of the more bizarre garden stories since Eden] has been [rel unfolding] [ARGM-TMP for four years now] , [ARGM-LOC in the private paper-and-crayon fantasies of artist Jennifer Bartlett] .
- And as [ARG1 it] [rel unfolds] , it 's revealing some of the more tangled and seamier aspects of Japanese society .
- Even if B.A.T receives approval for the restructuring , the company will remain in play , say 0 *T*-1 shareholders and analysts , though [ARG1 the situation] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel unfold] [ARGM-TMP over the next 12 months , rather than six] .
- As [ARG1 the story of `` Mastergate ''] [rel unfolds] , we learn that the Internal Revenue Service confiscated one of the properties of a foreign financier who *T*-1 owes the government millions in taxes .
- Within weeks the [rel unfolding] [ARG1 Iran-Contra] scandal took away Mr. Noriega 's insurance policy .
- Nevertheless , Fed Chairman Greenspan and Vice Chairman Manuel Johnson were in their offices Sunday evening , * monitoring events as [ARG1 they] [rel unfolded] [ARGM-LOC in markets around the world] .