frames- It said 0 financing would consist of $ 250 million *U* from a private placement obtained * through Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. and [ARG1 a $ 150 million *U* revolving credit line] [rel underwritten] * by [ARG0-by Chase Manhattan Bank] .
- The Fed 's action increases the volume of [ARG1 publicly registered securities] that [ARG0 banks ' securities affiliates] will be able * to [rel underwrite] *T*-1 .
- Over the past two years , the Fed has given a handful of [ARG0 banks ' securities affiliates] permission * to [rel underwrite] [ARG1 *RNR*-1] and deal in *RNR*-1 a variety of corporate , asset-backed and municipal securities that *T*-184 had previously been the sole domain of securities firms .
- `` You ca n't ask [ARG0 one carrier] to [rel underwrite] [ARGM-MNR on social grounds] when that might destroy it in the marketplace *T*-1 . ''
- Insurers typically retain a small percentage of [ARG1 the risks] 0 [ARG0 they] [rel underwrite] *T*-1 and pass on the rest of the losses .
- [ARG0 Lawrence Insurance] [rel underwrites] [ARGM-ADV mostly] [ARG1 primary insurance] , a company spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 Three of the largest offerings , by Exxon Capital Corp. , Xerox Corp. and Citicorp ,] were [rel underwritten] *-1 by [ARG0-by groups led * by Salomon Brothers Inc] .
- Lloyd 's of London said 0 it plans *-1 to clamp down on the ability *ICH*-2 of [rel underwriting] [ARG0 syndicates] * to leave their annual accounts open beyond the customary three years .
- [rel Underwriting] [ARG0 syndicates] at Lloyd 's , the world 's largest insurance market , generally do n't close their accounts for three years , *-1 to allow for the filing of claims and litigation .
- The open-year accounting practice `` is widely recognized *-1 within Lloyd 's as of serious concern '' to [ARG0 the 31,329 member investors] , who *T*-2 [rel underwrite] [ARG1 insurance] [ARGM-LOC at Lloyd 's] [ARGM-CAU in return for premium and investment income] , Lloyd 's said 0 *T*-3 .
- Most troublesome is *T*-1 the shrinking pool of `` names , '' [ARG0 the well-heeled investors -LRB- some of them royal -RRB- who *T*-2 , [ARGM-MNR as members of about 360 syndicates] , [rel underwrite] [ARG1 policies] ] .
- [ARG0 Ms. Atkins] , who *T*-1 [rel underwrote] [ARG1 # 20,000 *U* , or about $ 32,000 *U* , of insurance coverage on that syndicate] , now faces potential losses of roughly # 70,000 *U* , or $ 111,000 *U* .
- [ARGM-ADV Though Lloyd 's pioneered such now-standard policies as worker 's compensation insurance , burglary insurance for homeowners and businesses , and bankers ' liability insurance] , [ARG0 competitors] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel underwrite] [ARG1 most of that business] .
- [ARG0 The Lloyd 's market] [ARGM-MNR actively] [rel underwrites] [ARG1 insurance] [ARGM-TMP just 4 1\/2 hours a day] , brokers say 0 *T*-1 .
- While [ARG0 they] have moved to the fore in *-1 [rel underwriting] [ARG1 fixed-income securities] [ARGM-LOC in the Eurobond market] -- [ARGM-MNR mostly for Japanese firms] -- they have been only marginally profitable , if at all , in the U.S. .
- -- For the past several years , the banks , *-1 lacking a private navy 0 *T*-2 to enforce their interests , have been pressuring [ARG0 the U.S. Treasury] to [rel underwrite] [ARG1 their bad LDC credits] .
- But WCRS added that `` in the light of the current uncertainty in the equity markets , '' it has arranged [ARG1 medium-term debt financing] , which *T*-2 would be [rel underwritten] *-1 by [ARG0-by Samuel Montagu & Co. Ltd] .
- In addition , Hunter said 0 it will use proceeds from a private placement of $ 8 million *U* of preferred shares *-2 to purchase an interest in [ARG0 a start-up company] 0 *T*-1 to [rel underwrite] [ARG1 environmental impairment insurance] .
- `` [ARG0 The market] is concerned about its ability * to [rel underwrite] [ARG1 all this debt] [ARGM-MNR at current levels] . ''
- [ARG1 The Continental junk bond offering] , [rel underwritten] * by [ARG0-by Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.] , was the only new issue priced * yesterday .
- The two Remics priced * were [ARG1 a $ 500 million *U* Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. issue] [rel underwritten] * by [ARG0-by Salomon Brothers Inc.] and a $ 350 million *U* Federal National Mortgage Association deal underwritten * by Greenwich Capital Markets .
- The two Remics priced * were a $ 500 million *U* Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. issue underwritten * by Salomon Brothers Inc. and [ARG1 a $ 350 million *U* Federal National Mortgage Association deal] [rel underwritten] * by [ARG0-by Greenwich Capital Markets] .
- Chase Manhattan , which *T*-1 sold 14 million additional shares at 40 1\/8 Monday through an [rel underwriting] [ARG0 group] led * by Goldman Sachs , closed down 1\/8 to 40 .
- $ 200 million *U* of [ARG1 stripped mortgage securities] [rel underwritten] * by [ARG0-by BT Securities Corp] .