frames- The purchasing managers , however , also said that [ARG1 orders] [rel turned] up [ARGM-TMP in October] [ARGM-TMP after four months of decline] .
- `` The people who *T*-1 suffer in the short run are defendants , but the people who *T*-2 suffer in the long run are all of the people , because there wo n't be a vigorous private bar 0 *T*-4 to defend the Bill of Rights , '' says *T*-5 Gerald Lefcourt , a criminal defense attorney who *T*-3 says 0 [ARG0 he] has [rel turned] down [ARG1 a number of cases] [ARGM-PNC *-6 to avoid possible fee seizures] .
- Much of the moderation came from [ARG1 declining energy prices] , which *T*-1 have since [rel turned] [ARGM-DIR up] [ARGM-MNR a bit] , analysts said 0 *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS Instead] , [ARG0 it] [rel turns] on [ARG1-on the disputed and elusive facts of `` who *T*-1 did what to whom] . ''
- Today , [ARG0 Sen. Mitchell and other leading Democrats] plan *-1 to [rel turn] [ARGM-DIR up] [ARG1 the heat] [ARGM-DIS again] [ARGM-MNR by *-2 holding a news conference * to bash the proposal] .
- IBM , which *T*-1 said 0 Motorola is paying just a nominal fee * to cover the 21-month agreement , acknowledged 0 [ARG0 some companies] had [rel turned] down [ARG1 its invitation * to join in] .
- But according to Doug Madison , a corporate trader with Bank of America in Los Angeles , a large number of short positions must first be corrected *-1 , * spurring a temporary upswing , before [ARG1 the unit] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel turn] [ARGM-DIR lower] .
- Fiat 's rejection of partnership with Saab means that the Swedish company , which *T*-1 announced last Friday that its pretax profit for the first eight months plummeted 49 % , will have *-2 to look for a partner among other car manufacturers as [ARG0 both Ford Motor Corp. and Fiat] have [rel turned] down [ARG1 the offer] .
- Tons of delectably rotting potatoes , barley and wheat will fill damp barns across the land as [ARG0 thousands of farmers] [rel turn] [ARG1 the state 's buyers] away .
- `` [ARG0 They] want *-1 to [rel turn] [ARG1 everything] [ARG2 upside down] [ARGM-TMP in a week] .
- [ARG0 The argument] [rel turns] on [ARG1-on the discovery in 1909 of an amazing fossil quarry high in the Canadian Rockies called * the Burgess Shale] .
- Despite the absence of samovars -LRB- and a tendency [ARG0 *] to [rel turn] [ARG1 the furniture] [ARG2 upside down] -RRB- , the production is rich in Russian ennui voiced * by languorous folk sporting beige linen and rumpled cotton , with boaters and fishing poles aplenty .
- [ARG1 * Not selling into a panic] [rel turned] out *-1 to be very good advice : Despite the market 's volatility , the Dow Jones Industrial Average has surged 114 points in the past four days .
- In other words , after the glory boom of the Reagan years , wages had sunk from the post World War II peak by 16 % as [ARG0 capitalists] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 helped *-2 by the government] , [rel turned] down [ARG1 the screws] or went offshore .
- The oil and auto industries , united * in their dislike of President Bush 's proposal for cars that *T*-1 run on alternative fuels , announced [ARG0 a joint research program] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel turn] up [ARG1 a cleaner-burning gasoline] .
- [ARG1 The once-staid steel industry] is about *-2 to be [rel turned] *-1 [ARG2 topsy-turvy] by [ARG0-by a 1990s technology revolution] .
- [ARGM-TMP By 10:25] , [ARG1 the Dow] had [rel turned] [ARGM-DIR up] [ARGM-TMP for the day] , [ARGM-ADV * prompting cheers on trading desks and exchange floors] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the outcome of a legal dispute] [ARGM-TMP almost always] [rel turns] on [ARG1-on the facts] .
- At your age , Jackie , you ought *-2 to know that [ARG0 you] ca n't make soup without *-1 [rel turning] up [ARG1 the flame] .
- `` [ARG0 She] wants *-1 to [rel turn] down [ARG1 the volume] and close the curtains . ''
- [ARGM-ADV If it does n't yield on these matters , and eventually begin talking directly to the ANC] , [ARG1 the expectations and promise raised * by yesterday 's releases] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel turn] to [ARG2-to disillusionment and unrest] .