frames- [ARGM-TMP In the 1990s] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 spurred *-1 by rising labor costs and the strong yen] , [ARG0 these companies] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-MNR increasingly] [rel turn] [ARG1-REC themselves] into [ARG2-into multinationals with plants around the world] .
- [ARG0 Japanese money] will help *-1 [rel turn] [ARG1 Southeast Asia] into [ARG2-into a more cohesive economic region] .
- [ARG0 The demise of the 238,000-circulation Herald , once the nation 's largest afternoon newspaper with circulation exceeding 700,000] , [rel turns] [ARG1 the country 's second-largest city] into [ARG2-into a one-newspaper town] , [ARGM-MNR at least in some senses] .
- *-1 Stung by charges that [ARG0 their greed] is [rel turning] [ARG1 the stock market] into [ARG2-into a gigantic crapshoot] , almost all the big investment banking houses have abandoned index arbitrage , a common form of program trading , for their own accounts in the past few days .
- [ARG1 The battle] has [rel turned] into [ARG2-into a civil war] [ARGM-LOC at some firms and organizations] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 causing internal contradictions and pitting employee against employee] .
- They say 0 [ARG0 greedy market manipulators] have made a shambles of the nation 's free-enterprise system , *-1 [rel turning] [ARG1 the stock market] into [ARG2-into a big gambling den] , [ARGM-ADV with the odds heavily stacked *-2 against the small investor] .
- Economists said 0 the report raised speculation that [ARG1 the economic slowdown] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel turn] into [ARG2-into a recession] , [ARGM-ADV which *T*-151 would pave the way 0 for the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates *T*-1] .
- Where they lag behind the Japanese *T*-1 is in [ARG0 *] [rel turning] [ARG1 the scientific inventiveness] into [ARG2-into improved production] .
- Economists , businessmen and some politicians agree that the answer is an orthodox economic austerity program including reduced state spending ; * focusing spending on vital areas such as education , health and welfare ; [ARG0 *] [rel turning] [ARG1 state companies] [ARG2 private] ; * reforming the tax system , * raising public service rates * to match costs ; and possibly a temporary wage and price freeze and a devaluation of the cruzado .
- [ARG1 The market] [rel turned] [ARG2 quiet] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 rising sharply late last week] , [ARGM-DIS according to one analyst] .
- Charles Wohlstetter , chairman of Contel , who *T*-2 is helping organize the alliance of Big Board-listed firms , said 0 he had no time 0 * to work *T*-3 yesterday because he received so many phone calls , faxes and letters supporting his view that [ARG1 the Big Board] has been [rel turned] *-1 into [ARG2-into a `` gambling casino ''] by [ARG0-by program traders] .
- [ARG0 The selling by money managers and individual investors] is [rel turning] [ARG1 traders] [ARG2 bearish] [ARGM-DIS as well] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV if the genes are damaged *-1 -- perhaps by radiation , a chemical or through a chance accident in cell division --] their growth-suppressing proteins no longer work , and [ARG1 cells normally under control] [rel turn] [ARG2 malignant] .
- In recent months , researchers have come *-2 to believe 0 the two types of cancer genes work in concert : [ARG0 An oncogene] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel turn] [ARG1 proliferating cells] [ARG2 malignant] [ARGM-TMP only after the tumor-suppressor gene has been damaged *-1] .
- Already [ARG0 two major pharmaceutical companies , the Squibb unit of Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. ,] are collaborating with gene hunters *-1 to [rel turn] [ARG1 the anticipated cascade of discoveries] into [ARG2-into predictive tests and , maybe , new therapies] .
- Because [ARG1 Justice Rubin] [rel turned] [ARG2 76] [ARGM-TMP on May 9] , he is n't eligible *-2 to be reappointed *-1 to the bench at the end of the year .
- Meanwhile , as the Sunday evening show struggles *-2 to stay afloat against the tough competition of `` Murder , She Wrote *-3 , '' [ARG1 the grapevine idea] is threatening *-1 to [rel turn] into [ARG2-into a weed] : The tactic apparently has inspired sample viewings , but accolades are slow in * coming .
- [ARG0 The White House and the Democratic leadership in Congress] blame each other for *-1 [rel turning] [ARG1 capital-gains taxes] into [ARG2-into such a divisive issue] [ARGM-TMP this year] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the big , often tumultuous slide in stock prices this month] has [rel turned] [ARG1 some of those who *T*-1 have been profiting from the practice] [ARGM-DIR against it] .
- *-1 Claiming 0 [ARG0 program trading] has [rel turned] [ARG1 the Big Board] into [ARG2-into a `` gambling casino] , '' Contel Chairman Charles Wohlstetter said that he and at least 20 other corporate executives are forming an unprecedented alliance .
- For one of the superstars of glasnost , Vitaly Korotich , editor of the trail-blazing weekly Ogonyok , Friday , Oct. 20 was [ARG1 a somersaulting day] that *T*-1 [rel turned] [ARGM-DIR from tension] [ARGM-DIR to elation] .
- If [ARG1 the economy] [rel turns] [ARGM-DIR down] , such proposals could gain strong momentum .
- As part of the upscale push , [ARG0 Kidder] is putting brokers through a 20-week training course , *-1 [rel turning] [ARG1 them] into [ARG2-into `` investment counselors '' with knowledge of corporate finance] .
- * Catching up with commercial competitors in retail banking and financial services , they argue 0 *T*-1 , will be difficult , particularly if [ARG1 market conditions] [rel turn] [ARG2 sour] .
- [ARG0 Rep. Jamie Whitten of Mississippi and chairman of House Appropriations] [rel turned] [ARG1 a $ 20 million *U* Bush request for his state] into [ARG2-into a $ 49.7 million *U* bequest] .
- The municipal bond market is bracing for tough times through the end of the year as it struggles *-1 to absorb an oversupply of bonds and [ARG1 two of its best customers] [rel turn] into [ARG2-into sellers] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-TMP when they were no longer needed *-4 *T*-2] , [ARG1 they] were [rel turned] *-1 [ARG2 loose] [ARGM-ADV *-1 unprepared *-3 to build lives of their own] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 As Jaguar 's biggest holder and Britain 's biggest car maker] , [ARG0 Ford] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel turn] [ARGM-DIR up] [ARG1 the heat] [ARGM-MNR by * convening a special shareholders ' meeting and urging holders *-1 to drop the limits early] .
- By the end of next year , all loss-making state enterprises would be put *-2 out of business or handed *-2 over to [ARG0 workers] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] buy or lease them or [rel turn] [ARG1 them] into [ARG2-into cooperatives] .
- Betsy Engelken asked the same question earlier this year , when [ARG1 her husband] was about to [rel turn] [ARG2 50] *T*-1 .
- The two men spent an hour at Exit 10 , *-1 rehashing the event , `` *-1 fulfilling the lifelong dream of [ARG1 a young boy] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel turned] * [ARG2 50] , '' Mr. Engelken says *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV Like many sports buffs] , [ARG1 Mr. Engelken] has [rel turned] [ARG2 cynic] .
- [ARGM-TMP As the announcer reads favorable quotes about the model from Motor Trend and Road & Track magazines] , [ARG1 the other car , which *T*-1 is white ,] [ARGM-MNR slowly] [rel turns] [ARG2 green] .
- Some have bought big chunks of Strip property for [ARG1 what] *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD may] [rel turn] into [ARG2-into another wave of building] .
- [ARG1 Topaz , a translucent mineral that *T*-2 is often whitish when *-6 taken *-7 from the ground *T*-5 ,] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel turned] *-1 [ARG2 blue] by [ARG0-by irradiation , which *T*-3 transforms it into a gemstone that *T*-4 looks like an aquamarine] .
- This trader said that he thought 0 [ARG1 the market] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel turn] [ARG2 aggressively bullish from a technical standpoint] [ARGM-ADV if the December contract was able *-1 to exceed 75.75 cents] .
- `` [ARGM-ADV As we 've seen in the '80s] , '' says *T*-1 Roger Werner , the president of the ESPN sports channel , `` [ARG1 those deals] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel turn] [ARG2 sour] [ARGM-ADV if the numbers do n't work] .
- Large Digital buyers say 0 the new VAX will let [ARG1 them] stay with Digital when they need the power of a mainframe *T*-1 , instead of * [rel turning] [ARGM-DIR to IBM] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the past five years] , [ARG0 USX] has [rel turned] [ARG1 steel] into [ARG2-into a profit maker] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 closing several plants and reducing labor costs] .
- [ARGM-ADV Since this treasure chest is too big *-2 to fit in a bank vault] , [ARG1 it] has been [rel turned] *-1 into [ARG2-into one] .
- Thus , [ARG1 subsidized loans] tend *-1 to [rel turn] into [ARG2-into giveaway programs , with increasing subsidy and default rates over time] .
- [ARG1 Farmers Home Administration -LRB- FmHA -RRB- loans] have [rel turned] into [ARG2-into de facto giveaway programs] ; losses over the next three years are expected *-1 to exceed $ 20 billion *U* .
- * Turns out that [ARGM-TMP next year] , [ARG1 Charlie Brown , Snoopy and the gang] [rel turn] [ARG2 40] -- and Scripps Howard 's United Media unit , the syndicator and licensing agent for Charles Schulz 's comic strip , sees a bonanza in *-1 licensing the cartoon characters to a bevy of advertisers for ads , tie-ins and promotions .
- `` It *EXP*-1 takes three months [ARG0 *] to [rel turn] [ARG1 copper concentrate] into [ARG2-into cathodes] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- Nevertheless , Kodak could n't risk *-1 letting [ARG0 HDTV] [rel turn] [ARG1 its motion-picture film business] into [ARG2-into a dinosaur] .
- [ARG1 The fight] has [rel turned] [ARG2 ugly] and , among pilots at least , has shattered the esprit de corps that Mr. Smith worked so hard *-2 to build *T*-1 .
- `` Where the hell are they gon *-2 na live *T*-3 when [ARG0 people like you] [rel turn] [ARG1 the world] into [ARG2-into a big toxic waste dump] *T*-4 ?
- Indeed , in a note to the results , directors said 0 [ARGM-ADV if the `` true worth '' of some of the group 's assets were taken *-1 into account instead of * using book values] , [ARG1 the negative net asset backing a share] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel turn] into [ARG2-into `` a substantial positive '' one] .
- Now some investment analysts insist that [ARG1 the economic climate] has [rel turned] [ARG2 cold and gloomy] , and they are urging clients *-1 to buy bonds before the rally begins .
- Malcolm , a former film-maker turned architect , has just seen [ARG1 his first big chance at a lucrative commission] [rel turn] to [ARG2-to dust] [ARGM-CAU with the arrest of his shady , obnoxious client , a fly-by-night real estate developer] .
- Malcolm , [ARG1 a former film-maker] [rel turned] [ARG2 architect] , has just seen his first big chance at a lucrative commission turn to dust with the arrest of his shady , obnoxious client , a fly-by-night real estate developer .
- [ARG0 The treatment] [rel turned] [ARG1 Trelleborg] into [ARG2-into one of Scandinavia 's biggest and fastest-growing industrial concerns] .
- Mr. Sculley also indicated that [ARG0 sagging margins , which *T*-1 dogged the company through most of 1989 ,] began *-2 to [rel turn] [ARGM-DIR up] [ARGM-TMP in the fourth quarter] [ARGM-TMP as chip prices eased] .
- [ARG0 The Task Broker] `` [rel turns] [ARG1 that network] into -- [ARGM-DIS as far as the user is concerned *-1] -- [ARG2-into one giant computer] , '' said 0 *T*-2 Bill Kay , general manager of Hewlett-Packard 's workstation group .
- Once the price reaches that level , [ARG1 a stop order] [rel turns] into [ARG2-into a market order] , and the order is filled *-1 at whatever price the broker can get *T*-2 .
- Stop-Limit Order : [ARG1 Stop-limit orders] [rel turn] into [ARG2-into limit orders] [ARGM-TMP when an investment trades at the price specified * in the order *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Vietnam] is finding that * [rel turning] [ARG1 a stagnant socialist order] into [ARG2-into a dynamic free market] does n't come easy .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Appointed editor in chief in July 1987] , [ARG0 Mr. Ngoc] [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [rel turned] [ARG1 the staid Van Nghe] into [ARG2-into Vietnam 's hottest paper] .
- [ARG0 She] has [ARGM-DIS indeed] [rel turned] [ARG1 Hochiminh City Food] into [ARG2-into a budding conglomerate] , but the company itself remains state-owned .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP then] [ARG1 the noise] [rel turned] into [ARG2-into a roar] .
- The reporters were victims and [ARG1 some of the victims] [rel turned] into [ARG2-into unofficial reporters] .
- `` We are operating [ARG0 an information refinery] that *T*-1 takes a broad stream of raw data and [rel turns] [ARG1 it] into [ARG2-into actionable knowledge] , '' says *T*-2 Yosi Amram , founder and president .
- Other news that *T*-1 weighed on the market : Initial unemployment claims rose by 62,000 last week ; American Telephone & Telegraph Co. will reduce its managerial staff by 15,000 through attrition ; [ARG1 the oil market] [rel turned] [ARG2 weaker] ; there was n't any investor demand for bullion ; and the dollar strengthened during the day , * putting pressure on gold .
- But industrywide trading activity slowed in September as [ARG1 institutional investors] [rel turned] [ARG2 cautious] and individuals continued *-1 to shy away from the market .
- Tim Pettee , an analyst with Merrill Lynch & Co. , said : `` [ARG1 The business] [rel turned] [ARGM-MNR faster than * expected *-1] .
- But yesterday , as Atlantis rumbled into a patch of clear sky above Florida with storm clouds closing in on it , [ARG0 NASA] sought *-1 to [rel turn] [ARG1 Galileo] into [ARG2-into a symbol of triumph] .
- Many larger egg producers are also [ARG0 egg processors] , who *T*-1 crack , inspect , and sanitize billions of eggs , * [rel turning] [ARG1 them] into [ARG2-into powdered , liquified or frozen egg products] .
- [ARG0 Rival gangs] have [rel turned] [ARG1 cities] into [ARG2-into combat zones] .
- But * put her behind a shopping cart and [ARG1 she] [rel turns] [ARG2 ruthless] .
- Many of the buildings , mostly condominiums and apartments , were flattened *-1 almost instantly as [ARG1 the underlying soil -- much of it landfill --] was [ARGM-ADV literally] [rel turned] *-2 to [ARG2-to ooze] by [ARG0-by the quake 's intensive shaking] , [ARGM-ADV * rupturing gas lines] .
- Of course , the quake was the worst since [ARG0 the emergence of the computer era] [rel turned] [ARG1 Silicon Valley] into [ARG2-into the nation 's capital of high technology] .
- Nor is it a Hungary , where yesterday the parliament approved [ARG0 constitutional changes] meant * to help *-1 [rel turn] [ARG1 the Communist nation] into [ARG2-into a multiparty democracy] *T*-2 .
- But [ARG1 those issues] recovered quickly and [rel turned] [ARG2 higher] [ARGM-CAU because of expectations that the quake and the recent Hurricane Hugo would set the stage for an increase in premium rates] .
- But with world-wide opinion -- even , apparently in Moscow -- against East Germany , [ARG0 the country] would have *-1 to [rel turn] [ARG1 itself] into [ARG2-into an Albania] *-1 to clamp down further on refugees .
- This proved particularly valuable to the Panamanian government in 1967 , when union leaders were planning [ARG1 a May Day march] that the government feared 0 *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel turn] [ARG2 violent] *T*-2 .
- `` [ARG1 The market] [ARGM-MOD must] have [rel turned] [ARGM-DIR up and down] [ARGM-TMP 15 different times] , '' commented *T*-1 Lance Zipper , head of OTC trading at Kidder Peabody .
- Then the whole thing will start *-1 to collapse , just as it did *?* in the 1970s , and [ARG0 the ghosts and banshees] will be howling through the place *-2 [rel turning] [ARG1 people 's hair] [ARG2 white] .
- [ARGM-TMP Three minutes into the massage] , [ARG1 the man] curled up , began *-1 shaking and [rel turned] [ARG2 red] .
- [ARG1 The company] had losses for several years before * [rel turning] [ARG2 profitable] [ARGM-TMP in fiscal 1988] .
- The name change and good will write-off could help *-1 solidify Blue Arrow 's dominance of the U.S. temporary-help market and give it a more American image as [ARG1 U.S. investors] [rel turn] [ARG2 jittery about foreign stocks] [ARGM-TMP after Friday 's market plunge] .
- [ARG1 Justice Blackmun] , who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel turn] [ARG2 81] [ARGM-TMP next month] , also seems feisty about his new role .
- [ARG1 *-1] [rel Turned] [ARG2 loose] [ARGM-LOC in Shane Longman 's trading room] , the yuppie dealers do little right .
- In addition , officials at the Fed and in the Bush administration decided that * avoiding overt actions and statements over the weekend would give them more strength and flexibility [ARGM-MOD should] [ARG1 Friday 's market drop] [rel turn] into [ARG2-into this morning 's rout] .