frames- By Monday , they hope *-1 to have a sheaf of [ARG1 documents] 0 [ARG0 both sides] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel trust] *T*-2 .
- After years of mistrust born * of Watergate , past misdeeds of the Central Intelligence Agency , and the Iran-Contra scandal , [ARG0 President Bush and the Senate Intelligence Committee] appear ready -- for now , at least -- *-1 to [rel trust] [ARG1-REC each other] [ARGM-TMP when it comes to * setting policy on covert activities *T*-2] .
- In Panama , the U.S. interests at stake were happily minor ; the only people killed * were [ARG0 foreigners] hapless enough * to [rel trust] [ARG1 American will] .
- As a last recourse , when all else has failed *T*-3 and you are pinned *-1 *T*-3 , * apologize for *-6 having disappointed [ARG0 those] who *T*-2 [rel trusted] [ARG1 you] but deny *-6 having actually done anything wrong .
- [ARG0 I] would tend *-1 to [rel trust] [ARG1 their judgment] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 she] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel trust] [ARG1 them] and did n't reward trust .
- `` [ARG0 I] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel trust] [ARG1 people who *T*-1 do n't eat] , '' said *T*-2 Ms. Volokh , though she herself stopped *-3 eating lunch a few years ago *-3 to drop 25 pounds .
- But whether such moves can win back the confidence of East Germans , who *T*-1 have taken to the streets by the thousands in recent weeks *-2 to demand democratic changes , depends largely on whether they feel 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel trust] [ARG1 Mr. Krenz] .
- In a statement , Craig O. McCaw , chairman and chief executive officer of McCaw , said : `` [ARG0 We] [rel trust] [ARG1 0 LIN will take no further actions that *T*-1 favor BellSouth] . ''
- His meals are most often prepared by [ARG1 women] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel trusts] *T*-1 -- his full-time mistress , Vicky Amado , and her mother , Norma .
- In the end , after * meeting with the former housekeeper , Stevens sits by the seashore at dusk , *-1 thinking of her and of his employer , and declares `` [ARG0 I] [rel trusted] .