frames- Mr. Smith says 0 [ARG0 the Bill of Rights commercial] , which *T*-63 [rel trumpets] [ARG1 the themes of liberty and freedom of expression] , is n't designed *-1 to have any special appeal for smokers .
- In addition , they argue 0 [ARG0 he] wo n't help Washington 's standing in the region by * [rel trumpeting] [ARG1 the U.S. commitment to democracy] [ARGM-TMP less than a month after his administration played an ineffectual role in the failed coup attempt in Panama] .
- The potential is displayed *-1 along every road into Warsaw : row upon row of greenhouses , stretching out behind [ARG0 modern mansions] that *T*-2 [rel trumpet] [ARG1 their owners ' wealth] .
- Elisa Byler , a St. Louis masseuse , won over officials at Emerson Electric Co. , a maker of electrical and electronic equipment , by * providing [ARG0 documents and other articles] [rel trumpeting] [ARG1 the therapeutic benefits of massage] .
- Hard on the heels of Friday 's 190-point stock-market plunge and the uncertainty that *T*-1 's followed , a few big brokerage firms are rolling out [ARG0 new ads] [rel trumpeting] [ARG1 a familiar message : * Keep on *-2 investing , the market 's just fine] .