frames- As a Foster Corporate Parent , you will experience the same joy felt * by Robert Bass , Lewis Ranieri , William Simon and others , who *T*-207 find ways 0 * to help [rel troubled] [ARG1 savings] institutions and their employees help themselves *T*-1 .
- In its appeal to the high court , the agency said the federal appeals court ruling , which *T*-1 favored LTV , threatened *-2 to transform the agency from an insurer of [rel troubled] [ARG1 pension] plans into an `` open-ended source of industry bailouts . ''
- The Eastern District unit in Brooklyn , N.Y. , lost seven of its 15 attorneys this year partly because [ARG1 the lawyers] were [rel troubled] *-1 by [ARG0-by the proposed reorganization] , says 0 *T*-3 Laura A. Brevetti , who *T*-2 left the strike force *-4 to join Morrison Cohen Singer & Weinstein , a New York law firm .
- * Consider the [rel troubling] [ARG0 dissonance] between Mr. Shevardnadze 's speech of confession this week and the hang-tough defense of everyone concerned * with the Iran-Contra affair .
- Many [rel troubled] [ARG1 properties] have n't been foreclosed on *-2 and are hard 0 * to identify *T*-4 , says 0 *T*-3 Albert I. Berger , who *T*-1 heads the Secaucus , N.J. , office of Helmsley-Spear Inc. , a real estate brokerage .
- [ARG0 The volatility inherent in program trading] [rel troubled] [ARG1 other traders] , [ARGM-DIS too] .
- HomeFed said 0 most of the [rel troubled] [ARG1 assets] are apartment complexes , shopping malls and other commercial real estate .
- The initial bond offering by the new government agency , which *T*-1 was created *-2 * to help rescue the nation 's [rel troubled] [ARG1 thrifts] , is n't expected *-3 to see robust demand .
- Some House Democrats are trying *-2 to head off an appointment by President Bush to the board that *T*-1 oversees the savings-and-loan bailout , *-2 contending that the prospective nominee is the head of [rel troubled] [ARG1 banks] himself .
- Although the second-largest computer maker had prepared Wall Street for a poor quarter , analysts said 0 [ARG1 they] were [rel troubled] *-1 by [ARG0-by signs of flat U.S. orders and a slowdown in the rate of gain in foreign orders] .
- One [rel troubling] [ARG0 aspect] of DEC 's results , analysts said 0 *T*-1 , was its performance in Europe .
- As the Hunt brothers ' personal bankruptcy cases sputter into their second year , Minpeco S.A. has proposed a deal 0 * to settle its huge claim against the [rel troubled] [ARG1 Texas] oil men *T*-1 .
- In five years , Petronas , which *T*-1 became the dominant shareholder in a 1984 rescue exercise , has spent about M$ 3.5 billion *U* *-2 to prop up the [rel troubled] [ARG1 bank] .
- Indeed , British Air seemed *-1 to be distancing itself from the [rel troubled] [ARG1 transaction] early in an effort * to avoid any further embarrassment .
- [rel Troubled] [ARG1 chains] could see their sales drop as much as 8 % , he believes 0 *T*-1 , as managers distracted * by fears about the future allow their stores to get sloppy .
- Thin merchandise selections at the [ARGM-EXT most] [rel troubled] [ARG1 chains] are also expected *-1 to hurt sales .
- [ARG1 The 650-or-so local whites who *T*-1 are n't Orange Workers] are [ARGM-EXT more] [rel troubled] .
- Moreover , BankAmerica continued *-1 to build its reserve against [rel troubled] [ARG1 foreign] loans by *-1 boosting its loan-loss provision to $ 170 million *U* , about the same as the previous quarter but well above the $ 100 million *U* in the year-earlier quarter .
- As a result , BankAmerica said 0 its reserve against [rel troubled] [ARG1 foreign-country] loans , once below 25 % , now amounts to 45 % of the $ 6.4 billion *U* of non-trade debt 0 it calculates 0 it is owed *-1 *T*-2 by those nations .
- The [rel troubled] Minneapolis-based [ARG1 railroad] concern said 0 the committee has the authority * to hire financial and legal advisers 0 *T*-1 to assist it .
- A [rel troubling] [ARG0 sign] : Declining stocks on the Big Board outnumbered advancers , 975 to 749 , and the over-the-counter market that *T*-1 includes many smaller stocks suffered aftershocks of Friday 's late Big Board plunge .
- Waterford Wedgwood PLC , a [ARGM-MNR financially] [rel troubled] [ARG1 Irish] maker of fine crystal and Wedgwood china , reported that its pretax loss for the first six months widened to 10.6 million Irish punts -LRB- $ 14.9 million *U* -RRB- from 5.8 million Irish punts a year earlier .
- Resolution Funding is a division of Resolution Trust Corp. , the new federal agency created * *-1 to bail out the nation 's [rel troubled] [ARG1 thrifts] .
- *-1 A unit of [rel troubled] [ARG1 Southmark] Corp. , the operator of nursing homes and retirement centers said 0 it sustained a net loss of $ 1.6 million *U* , or nine cents a share , compared with net income of $ 1.3 million *U* , or eight cents a share , a year earlier .
- Golden West Financial Corp. , riding above [ARG0 the turbulence] that *T*-1 has [rel troubled] [ARG1 most of the thrift industry] , posted a 16 % increase of third-quarter earnings to $ 41.8 millon *U* , or 66 cents a share .
- In addition , there are six times as many [rel troubled] [ARG1 banks] as there were in the recession of 1981 , according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp .
- The parent company of First National Bank of Chicago , with $ 48 billion *U* in assets , said 0 it set aside $ 200 million *U* * to absorb losses on loans and investments in [ARGM-MNR financially] [rel troubled] [ARG1 countries] .
- The addition , on top of two big 1987 additions to foreign-loan reserves , brings the reserve to a level equaling 79 % of medium-term and long-term loans outstanding to [rel troubled] [ARG1 nations] .