frames- Half of those polled * see [ARG1 the currency] [rel trending] [ARG2 lower] [ARGM-TMP over the next three months] , while the others forecast a modest rebound after the New Year .
- Mr. Foley of Lloyds noted that Mr. Lawson 's replacement , John Major , the British foreign minister , will take time 0 * to establish his credibility *T*-1 and , [ARGM-TMP in the meantime] , [ARG1 sterling] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel trend] [ARG2 downward] [ARGM-LOC in volatile trade] .
- We believe 0 [ARG1 interest rates] will continue *-1 to [rel trend] [ARG2 lower] , and the economy will slow around the world . ''