frames- [ARG0 Mr. Nixon] is [rel traveling] in [ARG1-in China] [ARGM-MNR as a private citizen] , but he has made clear that he is an unofficial envoy for the Bush administration .
- [ARG0 An exhibition of American design and architecture] opened in September in Moscow and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel travel] to [ARG1-to eight other Soviet cities] .
- You have a right *-2 to read Voice of America scripts if [ARG0 you] do n't mind *-1 [rel traveling] to [ARG1-to Washington] [ARGM-TMP every week or so] and *-1 visiting the Voice office during business hours .
- Bribe by bribe , Mr. Sternberg and his co-author , Matthew C. Harrison Jr. , lead us along [ARG1 the path] 0 [ARG0 Wedtech] [rel traveled] *T*-1 , from its inception as a small manufacturing company to the status of full-fledged defense contractor , entrusted * with the task of * producing vital equipment for the Army and Navy .
- The shocks generated [ARG0 nerve impulses] that *T*-306 [rel traveled] [ARGM-MNR via spine] to [ARG1-to brain] and showed up clearly on a brain-wave monitor , * indicating no damage to the delicate spinal tissue .
- Every workday at 11 a.m. , 40-year-old Mike Sinyard dons cycling clothes , hops on a bike 0 he keeps *T*-1 at his Morgan Hill , Calif. , office and sets out * to cover [ARG1 a distance] 0 [ARG0 most people] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel travel] *T*-2 [ARGM-MNR only by car] .
- Months later , [ARG0 the Greek vase] arrived in good condition at the museum in Charlottesville , *-1 having inexplicably [rel traveled] [ARGM-MNR by a circuitous route] through [ARG1-through Nairobi] .
- As [ARG0 the country 's new leader , Egon Krenz ,] prepared *-1 to [rel travel] to [ARG1-to Moscow] today [ARGM-PNC for talks with Soviet leader Gorbachev] , hundreds of thousands of East Germans massed in the streets of Leipzig , Halle and Schwerin *-2 to call for internal freedoms and the legalization of the New Forum opposition group .
- [ARGM-TMP During his tenure] , [ARG0 Mr. Corr] attempted through a series of meetings *-1 to inform managers of some of the company 's future plans , [rel traveled] [ARGM-MNR widely] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to talk to employees] and backed training sessions designed * *-2 to improve the carrier 's image .
- Ground batteries , targeting an odd assortment of [ARG0 aircraft] [rel traveling] [ARGM-MNR at highly unusual speeds] , opened up a furious fusillade .
- Since [ARGM-TMP the last time] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel traveled] [ARG1 this way] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP several months ago] , he has recanted a series of bold forecasts of a recession .
- [ARG0 Administration officials] [rel traveling] [ARGM-MNR with President Bush] in [ARG1-in Costa Rica] interpreted Mr. Ortega 's wavering as a sign that he is n't responding to the military attacks so much as he is searching for ways 0 * to strengthen his hand prior to the elections *T*-1 .
- Nobody should have *-1 to live in such poor conditions as in `` Sugar Ditch , '' but when [ARG0 you] [rel travel] to [ARG1-to Washington , Boston , Chicago or New York] *T*-2 , the same problems exist .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG0 President Bush] [rel travels] to [ARG1-to Costa Rica] [ARGM-TMP today] *T*-2 , he 'll go with little of the fanfare that *T*-1 accompanies many of his foreign travels .
- Unless other rules are changed *-1 , the devaluation could cause difficulties for the people 0 it is primarily meant *-4 to help *T*-3 : [ARG0 Soviets] who *T*-2 [rel travel] [ARG1-LOC abroad] .
- At the new rate , that would give [ARG0 them] [ARGM-on about $ 30 *U*] 0 * to [rel travel] on *T*-1 .
- But for [ARG0 Soviet citizens] who *T*-1 [rel travel] [ARGM-LOC abroad] [ARGM-PNC for business or tourism] , the rate will jump to 6.26 rubles to the dollar .
- The Sept. 25 `` Tracking Travel '' column advises [ARG0 readers] *-2 to `` Charge With Caution [ARGM-TMP When] *-3 [rel Traveling] [ARG1 Abroad] *T*-1 '' because credit-card companies charge 1 % *-4 to convert foreign-currency expenditures into dollars .
- In fact , this is the best bargain available to [ARG0 someone] [rel traveling] [ARGM-LOC abroad] .
- [ARG0 CAPITAL] [rel TRAVELS] to [ARG1-to Europe] [ARGM-TMP as 1992 unification nears] .
- [ARG0 X-rays] , [ARGM-DIS by contrast] , [rel travel] [ARGM-MNR straighter] and can be focused more tightly than light .
- The Communist Party chief , facing what *T*-2 is viewed *-1 as the nation 's worst unrest in nearly 40 years , also said 0 he would allow [ARG0 East Germans] to [rel travel] [ARG1-LOC abroad] [ARGM-MNR more freely] , but made clear that the Berlin Wall would remain .
- Well , it now turns out that [ARG0 Mrs. Thatcher] had *-1 to [rel travel] [ARGM-DIR across the globe] to [ARG1-to the 49-member Commonwealth summit in Kuala Lumpur] *-1 to discomfit the Holy Order of Consensus Builders .
- *-6 To be introduced *-1 later are *T*-5 a multiplexer , which *T*-2 will allow [ARG0 several signals] to [rel travel] along [ARG1-along a single optical line] ; a light-wave system , which *T*-3 carries voice channels ; and a network controller , which *T*-4 directs data flow through cross-connect systems .
- [ARGM-TMP At dawn on a cool day] , [ARG0 hundreds] [rel travel] to [ARG1-to the private market in Radzymin , a town not far from Warsaw ,] [ARGM-MNR *-1 hauling pigs , cattle and sacks of feed that the state 's official buyers ca n't induce them to sell *T*-2] .
- This summer , the industry introduced a `` kids fly *-1 free '' program , in which children were allowed *-2 to fly *-3 free if [ARG0 they] were [rel traveling] [ARGM-MNR with an adult] *T*-4 .
- Beyond the advertisements , the syndicator is planning a [rel traveling] [ARG0 arena] show , new TV specials for CBS and even an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute .
- In states that *T*-1 raised the speed limit on rural interstates , the fatality rate rose about 18 % to 1.7 deaths per [ARG1 100 million miles] [rel traveled] * between 1986 and 1988 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Sorrell] , *-2 [rel traveling] [ARGM-LOC in the Far East] , could n't be reached *-2 .
- [ARG0 Witnesses] [ARGM-TMP often] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel travel] [ARG1 long distances] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to give face-to-face depositions before lawyers and court reporters] .
- Mr. Eddington regards * promoting Hong Kong as an important part of * attracting visitors from Japan , South Korea and Taiwan , where the number of [ARG0 people] looking * to [rel travel] [ARG1-LOC abroad] has surged *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 About 23,000 people] [ARGM-ADV typically] [rel travel] over [ARG1-over the Golden Gate Bridge] [ARGM-TMP during commute hours] .
- * Expect , of course , sky-high prices on other dates near the holidays when the airlines know 0 [ARG0 vacationers] are eager *-1 to [rel travel] *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Small retailers] who *T*-1 ca n't afford *-2 to [rel travel] to [ARG1-to his New York showroom] have become fair game .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG0 Chancellor Helmut Kohl] [rel travels] to [ARG1-to Poland] [ARGM-TMP Nov. 9] *T*-1 , he is expected *-2 to take with him a promise of three billion West German marks -LRB- $ 1.6 billion *U* -RRB- in new credit guarantees for industrial projects .
- Moreover , state officials are urging [ARG0 freight haulers] *-1 to bypass many of the area 's main highways and to [rel travel] [ARGM-TMP late at night or during predawn hours] .
- The country abandoned its former devotion to socialist unity and took to *-1 insisting instead that [ARG0 each country in the bloc] ought *-2 to [rel travel] [ARG1 its own road] .
- The word *ICH*-1 went forth to every law school that [ARG0 those with federal court ambitions] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel travel] [ARG1 a safe constitutional journey] , [ARGM-MNR with no paper trail and no bite to their tongue or pen] .