frames- A Commonwealth Edison spokesman said that [ARG0 *] [rel tracking] down [ARG1 the two million customers whose addresses *T*-20 have changed during the past 3 1\/2 years] would be `` an administrative nightmare . ''
- Another suggestion would draw [ARG0 banks] more directly into *-3 [rel tracking] down [ARG1 money launderers] [ARGM-MNR by * developing a `` suspicious international wire transfer profile , '' which banks would use *T*-1 *-2 to spotlight questionable payments] .
- Revenue-short states also are becoming more aggressive pursuers of tax delinquents , and [ARGM-ADV perhaps] [ARG0 none] [rel tracks] [ARG1 them] down [ARGM-MNR with more relish than does New York since it acquired an $ 80 million *U* computer system in 1985] .