frames- [ARG0 Japan 's regulators] have [ARGM-TMP since] [rel tightened] [ARG1 controls on index-related stock purchases] .
- Prices rose on the news that a sizable West German refinery was damaged *-1 in a fire , [ARG0 *] [rel tightening] [ARG1 an already tight European market] .
- Waning demand reported * by importers , retailers and even fancy restaurants all reinforce a profile of [ARG0 a community] that *T*-1 is [ARGM-MNR sharply] [rel tightening] [ARG1 its belt] .
- [ARGM-PNC *-2 To keep the exchange rate pegged *-1] , [ARG0 Mr. Lawson] [rel tightened] [ARG1 monetary policy] and pushed interest rates up to 15 % .
- [ARG0 The rebels] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-ADV reportedly] [rel tightened] [ARG1 a blockade on roads leading to the capital] , and government forces shelled a guerrilla-held area in western Afghanistan .
- `` [ARG0 They] have *-1 to continue *-2 to [rel tighten] [ARG1 their belts] , '' said *T*-3 Craig Kloner , an analyst at Goldman , Sachs & Co .
- [ARG0 Congress] [rel tightened] [ARG1 auto safety standards for gray-market imports] [ARGM-TMP after U.S. auto dealers , including franchised foreign-car dealers , complained that they often were blamed *-1 when the second and third buyers of such vehicles found that the cars could n't meet U.S. auto safety standards *T*-2] .
- Trucking , shipping and air-freight firms are all planning rate increases , * reflecting higher costs and [rel tightened] [ARG1 demand] .
- Feedlots fatten young cattle for slaughter , so a decline signals a [rel tightening] [ARG1 supply] of beef .
- A four-day matched sale-purchase agreement , a move * to drain liquidity from the system , was viewed *-1 as a technical move , rather than an indication of [rel tightening] [ARG1 credit] .
- Thus , [ARG0 farmer Johan Fischer] , his T-shirt and jeans covered *-1 in grease , crawls around under his planter , *-2 [rel tightening] [ARG1 bolts] and fixing dents .
- Takeover activity will slow down as [ARG0 more and more banks] [rel tighten] [ARG1 their lending requirements] , he says 0 *T*-1 .
- It *EXP*-3 's still unclear whether [ARG0 Secretary Kemp] wants *-1 to completely overhaul the engine room at HUD or [ARGM-MNR just] [rel tighten] [ARG1 a few screws] [ARGM-LOC here and there] .
- [ARGM-DIS Of course] [ARG0 East Germany] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 true to its tradition] , [ARGM-MOD could] [rel tighten] [ARG1 its borders] [ARGM-MNR yet further] .
- But he put off a firm decision while his aides and legislators searched for [ARG0 a compromise] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD would] [rel tighten] [ARG1 requirements for such abortions] [ARGM-MNR in a way acceptable to the president] .
- While *-2 not specifically mentioned *-1 in the FBI charges , [ARG0 dual trading] became a focus of attempts * to [rel tighten] [ARG1 industry regulations] .
- [ARG0 Quantum] is [ARGM-DIS also] [rel tightening] [ARG1 its grip on its one large business outside chemicals , propane marketing] .
- In personal computers , [ARG0 Apple , Compaq and IBM] are expected *-1 to [rel tighten] [ARG1 their hold on their business] .
- Hong Kong manufacturers say 0 large debt writeoffs and other financial problems resulting from the 1987 difficulties chastened the local industry , * causing [ARG0 it] to [rel tighten] [ARG1 credit policies and financial management] .
- Also , concern exists that [ARG0 the harder-line Beijing leadership] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel tighten] [ARG1 its control of Guangdong , which *T*-1 has been the main laboratory for the open-door policy and economic reforms] .
- But , toy manufacturers and other industrialists say 0 [ARG0 Beijing] will be restrained *-1 from * [rel tightening] [ARG1 controls on export-oriented southern China] .