frames- [ARGM-ADV * Perhaps most exciting] , [ARG0 the device] is [rel thrusting] [ARGM-PRD open] [ARG1 a window to the workings of the brain] .
- I mean , 0 these folks are so uptight that they blame pretty Kate for the fact that [ARGM-TMP when she was a teen-ager *T*-1] , [ARG0 someone] tied her hands behind her back , [rel thrust] [ARG1 her head] into [ARG2-into a gunny sack] , brutally raped and beat her , and then left her to die in a cold-storage room .
- [ARG0 It] more than doubled Federal 's long-term debt to $ 1.9 billion *U* , [rel thrust] [ARG1 the company] into [ARG2-into unknown territory -- heavy cargo --] and suddenly expanded its landing rights to 21 countries from four .
- *-2 Perhaps primed *-3 by the daily diet of [ARG0 radio and TV reporters] [rel thrusting] [ARG1 microphones] into [ARG2-into people 's faces] and asking how they `` feel '' about one calamity or another , fellow reporters and civilians who *T*-1 spied my press credential were eager *-2 to chat .