frames- The school-board hearing at which she was dismissed *-2 *T*-1 was crowded *-4 with [ARG0 students , teachers and parents] who *T*-98 came *-3 to [rel testify] on [ARG2-on her behalf] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Testifying] [ARGM-LOC before a House subcommittee] , Mr. Mulford said that if the Treasury had n't intervened in foreign-exchange markets in September and early October *-2 to reduce the dollar 's value , the plunge in the stock market might have provoked a steep fall in the currency that *T*-97 might have `` unhinged financial markets . ''
- Rep. John LaFalce -LRB- D. , N.Y . -RRB- said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Johnson] refused *-1 to [rel testify] [ARGM-MNR jointly] with Mr. Mulford and instead asked *-1 to appear after the Treasury official had completed his testimony .
- [ARG0 One secretary] [rel testified] [ARG1 that the judge once called her to his office while *-1 wearing nothing at all] .
- [ARG1 Eventually] , [ARG0 Mr. Green] [rel testified] 0 *T*-1 , he began *-3 ducking out of his office rather than face the judge when he visited *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 *-2 Appalled , Mr. Green never paid the money] , [ARG0 he] [rel testified] 0 *T*-1 .
- The first one permits [ARG0 a witness] *-1 to refuse *-2 to [rel testify] against [ARG2-against her spouse] .
- `` [ARG0 Those] who *T*-93 [rel testified] [ARGM-TMP -LCB- yesterday -RCB-] have consistently maintained that anyone who *T*-94 did n't agree with them is part of a coverup , a whitewash , or the subject of excessive influence , '' Mr. Bickwit said *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG1 Frankly , it was like he worked for the Lincoln public-relations department] , '' [ARG0 Mr. Stelzer] [rel testified] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The vehemence of the emotions aroused * by the case] [rel testifies] to [ARG1-to its symbolic importance in the war that Thurber accepted *T*-1 as an eternal part of the human condition] .
- Bond investors paid close attention to comments by [ARG0 Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan] , who *T*-1 was [rel testifying] [ARGM-LOC before a congressional hearing] , but were n't able *-2 to extract many clues about the future course of the Fed 's monetary policy .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Testifying] [ARGM-LOC before a panel of the House Banking Committee] , Mr. Greenspan said 0 the short-term value of the dollar on foreign-exchange markets is n't the primary policy focus of the central bank .
- [ARG0 Neither] [rel testified] [ARGM-LOC at the previous trials] .
- `` There are [ARG0 some witnesses] who *T*-1 will be forced *-2 to [rel testify] about [ARG1-about their meetings with senators] . ''
- They were willing *-2 to trade important provisions in the bailout legislation *-3 to preserve Mr. Wall 's job and to avoid a reconfirmation hearing in which [ARG0 he] would be called upon *-1 *-5 to [rel testify] about [ARG1-about Lincoln S&L] *T*-4 .
- He recently voted `` present '' when the committee authorized a subpoena 0 *T*-2 to compel [ARG0 Mr. Keating] to [rel testify] *T*-1 , then changed his vote to yes .
- [ARG0 A witness] set * to [rel testify] [ARGM-TMP on Thursday] was quoted *-1 in a news report over the weekend as *-3 saying 0 Lincoln `` laundered '' campaign contributions illegally .
- But he said 0 [ARG0 he] is prepared *-1 to [rel testify] [ARG1 that executives of Lincoln and its parent corporation got unusually high salaries and frequent calls directing them *-2 to make specific contributions] .
- Already , ruling Liberal Democratic Party demands that [ARG0 opposition members] [rel testify] [ARGM-MNR under oath] [ARGM-LOC in parliament] have stalled one budget committee session and forced the committee to plan a special two-day investigation at the end of the month .
- It is a maze of halls that *T*-1 connects [ARG0 film rooms , elaborate spas and weight-training centers] that *T*-2 [rel testify] to [ARG1-to a richer , more free-spending era] .
- Small-business patrols would be an especially helpful gesture [ARGM-TMP whenever] [ARG0 a small-business person] is scheduled *-2 to [rel testify] against [ARG1-against a robbery suspect] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 One plaintiff , a doctor ,] [rel testified] [ARGM-LOC in an affidavit] [ARG1 that he also gave Mr. Peterson $ 50,000 *U* 0 * to join a sort of investment club which *T*-1 essentially gave the physician `` the privilege of *-3 making additional investments '' with Mr. Peterson *T*-2] .
- As [ARG0 former Ambassador to Costa Rica Francis J. McNeil] [rel testified] [ARGM-LOC before the subcommittee] , the Reagan administration knew that Gen. Noriega was involved with narcotics , but made a decision *ICH*-1 in the summer of 1986 `` * to put Gen. Noriega on the shelf until Nicaragua was settled *-2 . ''
- [ARGM-TMP A few weeks ago] , [ARG0 Mr. Skinner] [rel testified] [ARGM-LOC before Congress] [ARG1 that it would be `` cleaner , more efficient '' if he had authority * to block buy-outs in advance] .
- He allegedly entered into Panama 's first formal business arrangement with Colombian drug bosses , according to Floyd Carlton , [ARG0 a pilot] who *T*-1 once worked for Mr. Noriega and who *T*-2 [rel testified] [ARGM-LOC before the U.S. grand jury in Miami that *T*-3 would ultimately indict the Panamanian on drug charges] .
- Each side has called [ARG0 a Harvard Business School professor] 0 *T*-1 to [rel testify] on [ARG1-on that issue] .
- This privilege against self-incrimination precludes the drawing of an adverse inference against [ARG0 a criminal defendant] who *T*-3 chooses not *-1 to [rel testify] .
- Thus , in a criminal case , a prosecutor can not comment on [ARG0 a defendant 's] failure * to [rel testify] nor can the defendant be compelled *-1 to take the stand as a witness , thus * forcing him to `` take the Fifth . ''
- Thus , in a civil case , a defendant may be called *-1 as a witness , [ARG0 he] may be forced *-2 to [rel testify] or take the Fifth , and his taking of the Fifth may permit the drawing of an adverse inference against him in the civil matter .
- * Allowing the defendant to take the Fifth in a civil matter is not based *-2 on a constitutional right [ARG0 *] to refuse *-3 to [rel testify] where one 's testimony harms him in the civil matter *T*-4 , but because the testimony in the civil matter could be unconstitutionally used *-1 against him in a subsequent criminal prosecution .
- Absent the risk of such prosecution , a court may order [ARG0 the defendant] *-1 to [rel testify] .