frames- Further , [ARG0 the Herald] seemed *-1 [rel torn] [ARGM-MNR editorially] between [ARG2-between *-3 keeping its old-time Hearst readership -- blue-collar and sports-oriented -- and trying *-2 to provide a sprightly , upscale alternative to the sometimes staid Times] .
- As matters stand , [ARG1 the Salinger ruling] , *-1 [rel torn] *-2 from [ARG2-from context] and broadly construed *-2 , is controlling .
- Why , when a key witness disappears *T*-1 , does [ARG0 Mancuso] trash her apartment *T*-2 , *-3 [rel tearing] down [ARG1 drapes] , smashing walls ?
- Republican Sen. William Cohen of Maine , the panel 's vice chairman , said of the disclosure that `` [ARG1 a text] [rel torn] * [ARG2 out of context] is a pretext , and it *EXP*-2 is unfair for those in the White House who *T*-1 are leaking to present the evidence in a selective fashion . ''
- With Garpian randomness , a hotel across the street , the Amfac , had been hit *-1 harder : [ARG1 A large sheet of its concrete facade and several window balconies] were [rel torn] *-2 [ARGM-DIR away] .
- [ARG1 The older generation] has been [rel torn] *-1 between [ARG2-between a fear of *-1 tampering with the status quo and a fear of what *T*-2 might happen if they did n't *?*] .