frames- [ARG1 The issue] [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel swapped] *-70 into [ARG3-into fixed-rate U.S. dollars] [ARGM-MNR at a rate 0 the company said 0 *T*-1 is less than 9 %] ; a spokesman declined *-2 to elaborate .
- Skilled ringers use their wrists *-1 to advance or retard the next swing , so that [ARG0 one bell] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel swap] [ARG1 places] with [ARG2-with another] [ARGM-LOC in the following change] .
- The event continues into next year and includes an exchange program [ARG0 *] to [rel swap] [ARG1 design teachers at Carnegie-Mellon and Leningrad 's Mutchin Institute] .
- [ARG0 Many institutional index funds] are active program traders , *-1 [rel swapping] [ARG1 their stocks] for [ARG3-for futures] [ARGM-TMP when profitable * to do so *T*-2] .
- In addition , [ARG0 Sony] is expected *-1 to agree *-2 to [rel swap] [ARG1 Columbia 's 35 % stake in the sprawling Burbank , Calif. , studio that Warner and Columbia share *T*-3] , in [ARG3-in exchange for the old MGM studio lot that Warner acquired *T*-201 with the purchase of Lorimar Telepictures Corp] .
- [ARG0 Western Union] had offered *-1 to [rel swap] [ARG1 each $ 1,000 *U* face amount of the notes] for [ARG3-for six shares of common stock and two new debt issues : a $ 500 *U* note paying an interest rate starting at 16.75 % annually and rising in later years , due in 1992 , and a $ 500 *U* note , due in 1997 , paying a fixed rate of 17 % and including rights protecting a holder against a decline in the trading price of the bond] .
- Alternatively , [ARG0 it] would offer *-1 to [rel swap] [ARG1 three Paribas shares] for [ARG3-for one Navigation Mixte share] .
- These huge stock-index funds build [ARG0 portfolios] that *T*-1 match the S&P 500 stock index or other stock indexes , and [ARGM-TMP frequently] [rel swap] between [ARG1-between stocks and futures] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to capture profits] .
- In other news concerning South Korea 's television industry , [ARG0 Samsung] signed an agreement *ICH*-1 with Soyuz , the external-trade organization of the Soviet Union , * to [rel swap] [ARG1 Korean television sets and videocassette recorders] for [ARG3-for pig iron from the Soviet Union] .
- Finnair and SAS said 0 [ARG0 they] plan *-1 to [rel swap] [ARG1 stakes in each other] .
- But he emphasizes that [ARG0 Cathay] has n't any interest in * [rel swapping] [ARG1 equity stakes] with [ARG2-with the U.S. carrier] or with Lufthansa , the West German airline with which it has cooperated for about a decade *T*-1 .
- But he emphasizes that [ARG0 Cathay] has n't any interest in * [rel swapping] [ARG1 equity stakes] with the U.S. carrier or with [ARG2-with Lufthansa , the West German airline with which it has cooperated for about a decade *T*-1] .
- `` You have *-2 to have clear feelings about someone before you can make jokes , '' says *T*-3 [ARG0 an East German mother] of two who *T*-1 loves [rel swapping] [ARG1 political barbs] with [ARG2-with her friends] .
- [ARG0 AT&T] said 0 the expense increase will be largely offset *-1 by a gain from its previously announced plan * to [rel swap] [ARG1 its holdings in Ing . C. Olivetti & Co.] for [ARG3-for shares in Cie . Industriali Riunite , an Italian holding company] .
- An increasing number of banks appear *-1 to be considering the option under [ARGM-MNR the deal] whereby [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel swap] [ARG1 their Mexican loans] for [ARG3-for 30-year bonds with a face value discounted * by 35 %] *T*-3 , Mr. Gurria said 0 *T*-2 .
- The other two options consist of [ARG0 *] [rel swapping] [ARG1 loans] for [ARG3-for bonds with 6.25 % interest rates] , or providing fresh loans .
- [ARGM-LOC Under terms of the offer] , [ARG0 the sporting goods maker] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel swap] [ARG1 $ 9 *U* face amount of 9 1\/4 % subordinated notes due 1996 and one warrant] for [ARG3-for each common share] .
- -- Restrict the ability *ICH*-1 of [ARG0 real estate owners] * to escape taxes by *-2 [rel swapping] [ARG1 one piece of property] for [ARG3-for another] [ARGM-ADV instead of *-3 selling it for cash] .
- [ARG0 The bank] has a 45 % reserve against the remaining C$ 349 million *U* of Mexican debt and expects *-1 to [rel swap] [ARG1 that] for [ARG3-for other Mexican notes supported * by U.S. Treasury zero-coupon bonds] .