frames- Some analysts say 0 investors should run for the exits if a [rel sustained] [ARG1 market] rebound pushes the yield below 3 % .
- `` The [rel sustained] [ARG1 level] of confidence can be attributed *-3 to the continued favorable circumstances which *T*-1 affect the consumer 's day-to-day economic life , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Linden .
- On Asia-Pacific prosperity : `` If America can keep up the present situation -- her markets open for another 15 years , with adjustments , and Japan can grow and not cut back , and so too , Korea , Taiwan , Hong Kong , Singapore , ASEAN , Australia and New Zealand -- then in 15 years , [ARG0 the economies of these countries] would be totally restructured *-2 to be able *-3 to [ARGM-EXT almost] [rel sustain] [ARG1 growth] [ARGM-MNR by themselves] . ''
- On economic consequences of a diminished U.S. presence : `` America is [ARG0 the only major power] in recent history that *T*-303 has used its military might *-1 to [rel sustain] [ARG1 a system that *T*-304 enables all participants to equally benefit without her as the provider of the security taking royalties] . ''
- [ARG0 The White House] had enough votes * to [rel sustain] [ARG1 a veto] but chose *-1 to avoid a confrontation .
- Mr. Ortega understands better than those who *T*-1 worry about his behavior that [ARG0 what] *T*-2 [rel sustains] [ARG1 the Sandinista movement] is not democratic peace , but nondemocratic unpeace .
- [ARG1 The growing sales] [rel sustained] * by [ARG0-by domestic demand] failed *-2 to counter rising material metal costs and declining profitability in overseas construction , Furukawa said 0 *T*-1 .
- There has been a lot of talk that [ARG1 a large portion of the Colombian economy] is [rel sustained] *-1 by [ARG0-by the laundering of drug money] .
- You ca n't rely now solely on [ARG0 consumer spending] *-2 to [rel sustain] [ARG1 the economy] [ARGM-MNR on a solid growth path] , '' said *T*-1 Norman Robertson , chief economist at Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh .
- He also questioned whether [ARG1 recent gains in that country] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel sustained] *-1 .
- He predicted that the most popular growth companies will be those with `` some kind of unique product or franchise '' that *T*-1 makes [ARG0 them] appear able *-2 to [rel sustain] [ARG1 their momentum] .
- His base in South Jersey and on the House Energy and Commerce Committee helped [ARG0 him] [rel sustain] [ARG1 a network of political-action committees 0 *T*-1 to preserve his edge] .
- Westmoreland Coal Co. , *-1 realizing benefits of a [rel sustained] [ARG1 effort] * to cut costs and boost productivity , reported sharply improved third-quarter results .
- But he cautioned that Westmoreland 's third quarter is typically better than the fourth , so investors `` should n't just multiply the third quarter by four '' and assume 0 [ARG1 the same rate of improvement] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel sustained] *-1 .
- That will mark the second consecutive quarterly loss for Commodore and will raise additional questions about whether [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel sustain] [ARG1 the turnaround 0 it had seemed *-2 to be engineering *T*-1] .
- Unfortunately , the author simply does n't supply [ARG0 the philosophical frame] 0 *T*-1 to [rel sustain] [ARG1 his reportorial talents] .
- [ARG0 George Bush 's continued support of the tax dam] [rel sustains] [ARG1 this strategy of * pressuring Congress to make choices among competing priorities , rather than *-2 just saying yes to all the grateful special-interest constituencies that *T*-1 fill the PAC trough] .
- [ARG0 The March futures contract] traded as high as 14.24 cents , but [ARGM-MOD could] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel sustain] [ARG1 the advance] , '' he said *T*-1 .
- After that , individual traders face the risk that the new investment 0 they choose *T*-2 wo n't perform well -- so [ARG1 their trading costs] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel sustained] *-1 [ARGM-CAU for nothing] .
- Over the full post-World War II era , the Columbia index , on the average , has entered [rel sustained] [ARG1 declines] 14 months before the onset of recessions and turned up eight months before recoveries .
- At one point in futures trading , as the stock market firmed , the December contract rose to as high as $ 1.2965 *U* , but [ARG0 it] was n't able *-1 to [rel sustain] [ARG1 the gain] .
- *-3 Noting others ' estimates of [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 price increases] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel sustained] *-1 *T*-2 , he remarks , 0 `` Some say October .
- [ARG0 A handful of hot retail locations , such as the 57th Street and Madison and Fifth Avenue areas ,] have been able *-1 to [rel sustain] [ARG1 what many see *T*-2 as astronomical rents] .
- The `` October massacres '' of 1978 and 1979 were scary , but did n't lead to severe or [rel sustained] [ARG1 downturns] .
- Any [rel sustained] [ARG1 credit-easing] could be a lift for junk bonds as well as other securities .